Sorry! Will do.

Jason Cobb

On 6/22/19 9:24 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
Note from the Office of the Promotor:

Please don't use the > style quote formatting again. It makes text
formatting a nightmare, and stops me from wrapping lines.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 5:01 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
Oh, I meant to make it say "player" instead of "person who plays the
game" anyway.

I withdraw my most recently submitted proposal (again).

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.2)

Author: Jason Cobb

Adoption Index: 1.7



Amend Rule 2479 ("Official Justice") as follows:

Replace the text

         The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by levying a fine
         of up to 2 blots on em. Summary Judgement is imposed on the
         Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any official
with the text

         Subject to the provisions of this rule, the Referee CAN, by 
         impose Summary Judgment on a player. When e does so, e levies a fine of
         up to 2 Blots on em. If e does not specify the number of Blots in the 
         the attempt to impose Summary Judgment is INEFFECTIVE. Summary 
Judgement is
         imposed on the Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any 
official proceeding.

Jason Cobb

On 6/18/19 7:55 PM, D. Margaux wrote:
Instead of this:

The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by announcement.
I would recommend moving "by announcement" like so:

The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, by announcement impose 
Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game.
Under the original wording it is ambiguous. Could have been read to say that SJ 
could be imposed on a person-who-plays-by-announcement.

On Jun 18, 2019, at 7:32 PM, Jason Cobb <> wrote:

Probably a good idea.

I withdraw my most recently submitted proposal.

I submit the following proposal:

Title: Rule 2479 Cleanup (v1.1)

Author: Jason Cobb

Adoption Index: 1.7



Amend Rule 2479 ("Official Justice") as follows:

Replace the text

         The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by levying a fine
         of up to 2 blots on em. Summary Judgement is imposed on the
         Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any official
with the text

         The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by announcement.
         When e does so, e levies a fine of up to 2 Blots on em. If e
         does not specify the number of Blots in the fine, the attempt to
         impose Summary Judgment is INEFFECTIVE. Summary Judgement is
         imposed on the Referee's own initiative, and not in response to
         any official proceeding.

Jason Cobb

On 6/18/19 7:27 PM, Aris Merchant wrote:
You might want to say that e must specify the number of Blots.


On Tue, Jun 18, 2019 at 4:25 PM Jason Cobb <> wrote:
I submit the following proposal:

Title: Rule 2479 Cleanup

Author: Jason Cobb

Adoption Index: 1.7



Amend Rule 2479 ("Official Justice") as follows:

Replace the text

         The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by levying a fine
         of up to 2 blots on em. Summary Judgement is imposed on the
         Referee's own initiative, and not in response to any official
with the text

         The Referee CAN, subject to the provisions of this rule, impose
         Summary Judgment on a person who plays the game by announcement.
         When e does so, e levies a fine of up to 2 Blots on em. Summary
         Judgement is imposed on the Referee's own initiative, and not in
         response to any official proceeding.

Jason Cobb

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