On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 at 23:55, Rebecca <edwardostra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I retract that proposal and substitute this one.
> Title: No secret contracts
> AI: 2.5
> Text: Destroy each contract the full text of which has not been posted in
> public. If this destroyed Agora, put it back again the same as it was.
> Nobody will be able to tell the difference.
> Amend the rule "Contracts" by changing "Such an agreement is known as a
> contract." to "When the full text of such an agreement is posted in public,
> it is known as a contract"

Rather than destroying contracts that haven't been posted publicly,
which seems kind of messy, why not just legislate that they're not
contracts? Your rule change might already do that, or maybe replacing
"When the full text ... it is known as a contract" with "If the full
text ... it is known as a contract" would do it?

- Falsifian

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