Create a power-3 rule entitled "Tagged Paragrpahs" with the following text: { For the purposes of this rule, "paragraphs" are sections of rules seperated by two or more newlines.
A paragraph within a rule is known as a "tagged paragraph" if it begins with a in square brackets, and that number is the ID number of a rule that, at the time the rule was last amended, was either currently enacted or was repealed within the past 24 hours. A tagged paragraph is said to be "linked" to the rule corresponding by the number. When a rule is repealed, this rule amends any rules containing tagged paragraphs linked to the repealed rule, removing those tagged paragraphs. [ Some notes: - This was inspired by the discusson of modularity around the chambers proposal. It seemed nice to have a mechanism to integrate a new mechanic into existing rules, without making appeal a PITA. That being said, I definitely may be overengineering here. - The definition for paragraphs and the requirements for the ID number both feel a little awkward. In the latter case, I'm trying to reduce the chance that things accidentally end up being considered tagged, while making sure that things that were intended to be tagged paragraphs remain that way (specifically: I can't just refer to rule IDs that are enacted *right now* because then pagagraphs become untagged just as this rule tries to remove them, and I can't just refer to rule IDs that were enacted when the rule was last amended to avoid edge cases around the same proposal amending a rule and repealing another rule that should also remove a paragraph from the amended rule) - I considered making this a "Rulekeepor CAN and SHALL" (or "anyone CAN and Rulekeepor SHALL") instead of an automatic thing, but I think that would make it a lot less useful. Repealing rules would leave orphaned bits behind until someone got around to cleaning them up, so in practice I imagine rule proposals would just do the cleanup manualy. Maybe proposals being able to say "remove all tagged paragraphs linked to 1234" is a big enough win anyway, though. ] } Gaelan