Right. The only reason we knew it as a MUD not a MOO is because the
term "MOO" hadn't been coined yet. I stand by my characterization of
MW as running on a MOO based on my understanding of the MUD/MOO

On 11/16/19, Kerim Aydin <ke...@uw.edu> wrote:
> Yeah, I remember distinctly hearing the word MOO for the first time
> sometime
> after NW.  We definitely called it a MUD.  Only a few people (exclusively
> Monash University I think) were granted wizard/programming privileges -
> that
> was one of the difficulties with using that forum for Nomic, it gave them a
> bit too much unacknowledged clout over "reality" (i.e. what was POSSIBLE).
> On 11/16/2019 4:56 PM, Ørjan Johansen wrote:
>> It was 1992 (As You Know, Agora is from 1993), and the meaning of the
>> words
>> may have shifted, but I don't think people would have called Nomic World a
>> MOO at the time.  I never got a look at its actual source code, but as I
>> recall the interface resembled more LPMud (the MUD style I was already
>> familiar with) than MOOs (I don't think I'd ever been on an actual MOO at
>> the time, not that I've spent much time since either - my MUD days had
>> mostly ended around the time of Nomic World.)
>> Greetings,
>> Ørjan.
>> On Sat, 16 Nov 2019, David Nicol wrote:
>>> Nomic World started as a MOO in 1994 or thenabouts. Agora began, on its
>>> first mailing list, after the fellow who was maintaining it graduated
>>> from
>>> college and didn't want to take that hobby with into The So-Called Real
>>> World. It had discussion rooms and a voting room where players could
>>> register their weigh-ins on whatever was currently proposed for voting.
>>> Fantasy Rules Committee began as a committee in Nomic World, before
>>> Agora
>>> existed.
>>> Lurking old guy signing off :)
>>> On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 9:03 AM Sgeo <sgeos...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Was looking through my email archives for LambdaMOO stuff, and saw
>>>> something about an Agoran MOO that used to exist. Is the database for
>>>> that
>>>> available anywhere? I would love to explore it and see what people
>>>> made,
>>>> even if it's otherwise dead.
>>> --
>>> Coming to you live, from behind Sneelock's store, in the big vacant lot.

Coming to you live, from behind Sneelock's store, in the big vacant lot.

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