On Thu, 2019-12-05 at 22:05 -0500, Jason Cobb wrote:
> I submit the following proposal:
> Title: SLR Ratification
> The text of the weekly report published on 6 December 2019 and
> available at [0] is a true and accurate description of the ruleset.

Can we not try to ratify rulesets the day they're published? Ratifying
the ruleset is a big deal because it takes a long time to verify that
it's correct, has had no scams inserted by the Rulekeepor, etc., so
it's normally better to pick a ruleset from a few weeks or months ago
if a ratification is needed.

Especially in the case of the Rules, it's often not a disaster to
discover you were wrong all along and recalculate, compared to the
potential disaster of discovering you were wrong all along but are
unable to recalculate.


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