On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 7:53 PM Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I like the ideas, as I've said before (although I haven't yet thoroughly
> combed through these drafts for any bugs). One thing, though:
> These two mechanisms seem redundant to me - an adjustment applies "all
> changes", which could include rule changes, so why have a second,
> strictly weaker alternative that only affects the interpretation of the
> rules?

Two reasons:
1. The idea is that adjustments only apply to stuff in the officer's
domain. The only player whose domain contains rules is the Rulekeepor.
E could potentially use this power, to, e.g., make a rule change that
failed on a technicality succeed, but no other officer would have
access to it.
2. Permanent changes to the rules tend to require a lot of vetting.
People want to make sure that the rules don't just say something
reasonable, but the best possible thing. Thus, if a permanent rule
change is involved, people are much more likely to say "no, I think it
should say this instead" and object. The idea is that the change
should be a quick measure to get things working again, with a specific
anti-scam measure to increase player confidence and make problems less
likely. The final fix proposal may take days to perfect; the patch
provides time in which that can happen.

That said, I'm still open to suggestions.


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