Here's a new version of the Reset Button that would resolve various
concerns that have been raised. Tell me what y'all think.

Title: The Reset Button v3
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris
Co-authors: G., twg

If no proposal whose title contains the text "Administrative Adjudication"
has passed within the last 30 days, the remainder of this proposal has no

Create the following power 3.0 rule entitled "The Reset Button":

  An officer CAN, without 3 objections, pursuant to a memorandum finding it
  in the best interests of the game, issue an adjustment, which shall be
  a public document. When the adjustment is issued, all changes that are
  included in the adjustment take effect, except that:

    1. If the changes are manifestly abusive, disproportionate, or
       unreasonable, they do not take effect; and

    2. The ruleset can only be changed in this manner if either a) its
       state appears to be ambiguous, and the change would select one of the
       possible positions; or b) the ruleset was changed or failed to be changed
       by an apparent error, and the change would correct the error.

  This is a RECOMMENDED method for resetting aspects of the game in a
  fair and equitable manner following the discovery and/or exploitation
  of unintended loopholes within the Rules,  whether the exploitation
  was accidental or purposeful.

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