On Thu, Jan 30, 2020 at 5:30 PM Tanner Swett via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> I have a half-serious half-proto-proposal:
> "Implicit Ratification", AI: 3
> Repeal all rules relating to ratification. Enact the following rule: {
> In the course of playing the game, it is inevitable that from time to time,
> an error in recordkeeping will occur and go unnoticed for such a long time
> that it is difficult to determine what the correct gamestate is. In such
> circumstances, it is desirable to ignore the erroneousness of the reported
> gamestate and proceed as though it had been correct all along. Therefore:
> If, due to an error in recordkeeping or a similar mistake,
> (a) the player base at large has come to a belief about the gamestate, as
> clearly evidenced by public messages, and
> (b) these public messages indicate that the player base has had this belief
> for at least 60 days, but
> (c) the belief is false,
> then a legal fiction is established that the belief was true at the time of
> the earliest public message indicating the belief; and the gamestate is
> therefore altered as though the belief had been true at that time, in order
> to cause the gamestate to essentially match, as closely as possible, what
> the players believe it to be.
> }

60 days is way too long. No comment on the rest of it yet.


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