On Wed, 29 Jan 2020 at 21:36, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> A few comments:
> * "Body of law" is a very long phrase for such an important concept.
> Could we try to come up with something shorter? If not, we could
> shorten it to "BoL", though that doesn't have quite the same ring as
> "CoE".

Any ideas?

> * Your proposal titles are very long, and the Promotor's office would
> really appreciate it if they could be shortened.


> * The first proposal is extremely complicated, which gives me an urge
> to oppose it on principle, but I think I like it.
> * The first proposal represents a huge, utterly massive change to
> Agoran law of the sort that could easily hit the ossification
> protections; this isn't a reason to vote against it, but I encourage
> everyone to apply the appropriate level of scrutiny.
> -Aris

Yes, please. This is a very hard area of law to touch on, which is in
party why I'm trying to do things slowly. There's a lot more that
could be added. I think that the "Regulated Actions" amendments could
be separated out into a separate proposal, actually, but the rest
seems too linked together to really tease out. There are some options,
though, for instance I could also propose the current redefinition of
"instrument" to "statute". Would that be good, do you think?


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