On Sun, 9 Feb 2020 at 19:17, Jason Cobb via agora-discussion
<agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> On 2/9/20 7:14 PM, Alexis Hunt via agora-business wrote:
> > * Assessor, as I'm dissatisfied with the sparse content of resolutions;
> What other content would you like in the resolutions? I'll also point
> out there is more information at https://agoranomic.org/assessor/ since
> I try to keep the messages short for the mailing list.

I would absolutely prefer to see the full version from that site
posted to the mailing lists as it makes it much easier to work out.
Last time I mentioned conditional votes I believe you didn't mention
this site, and that was definitely one of the things. For this
particular draft, I definitely dislike the lack of additional
information about the proposal (class,chamber) and the way you show
voting strength using only symbols, but I would reasonably accept an
undertaking to address those as this is the first real resolution with
the new system. It would be ideal I think if the voting strength
calculation included, somewhere, at least a little breakdown of the
calculation (e.g. +1 from Speaker, -1 from blots, +4 from office
interest), but that's definitely going the extra mile.

For many years, resolutions were done in table format, which I
personally found easier to read, but I just realized this long
predates you joining the game. Here's some examples:
or https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-official@agoranomic.org/msg04982.html



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