you want more than 3.0 rather than less than 3.0. this is the opposite to
intended effect!

On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 1:30 PM Aris Merchant via agora-business <> wrote:

> I submit the following proposal.
> -Aris
> ---
> Title: Less Democracy Means More Fun
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: Aris
> Co-authors:
> Chamber: Legislation
> Amend Rule 2606, "Proposal Classes", by changing the text
>   "When a proposal with an adoption index greater than 2.0 is created,
>   its class becomes democratic."
> to read
>   "When a proposal with an adoption index less than 3.0 is created,
>   its class becomes democratic."
> [Note that proposals can still be turned democratic with 2 Agoran Consent.
>  However, this reserves democratic status for proposals changing core
>  rules or of great public concern.]

>From R. Lee

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