On Fri, Jun 5, 2020 at 2:18 PM James Cook <jc...@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> Oops, not intended. P.S.S, any objection to being removed from the
> Watchers list?
> - Falsifian
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 17:47, ATMunn via agora-discussion
> <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> > Just noticed that P.S.S. is listed as both a player and a watcher. Is
> > this intended?
> >
> > On 6/2/2020 3:23 PM, James Cook via agora-official wrote:
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >                           The Agoran Directory
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Date of last report: 2020-05-30 (Sat)
> > > Date of this report: 2020-06-02 (Tue)
> > > (all times UTC)
> > >
> > > Archive of reports on the web: https://agoranomic.org/Registrar/Reports/
> > >
> > >
> > > Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)
> > >
> > > 03-May-20 20:23  Alexis deregisters.
> > > 04-May-20 01:44  nch flips eir master switch to emself.
> > > 07-May-20 00:43  Falsifian flips Tcbapo's master switch to Agora.
> > > 07-May-20 00:52  ATMunn is an excess lot: resale value decreased
> > > 07-May-20 00:52  Tcbapo is an excess lot: resale value decreased
> > > 07-May-20 00:52  pikhq is an excess lot: resale value decreased
> > > 13-May-20 02:45  Falsifian flips twg's master switch to Agora.
> > > 20-May-20 03:25  grok registers.
> > > 22-May-20 19:44  Bögtil registers.
> > > 28-May-20 01:02  ATMunn flips eir Master switch to emself.
> > > 30-May-20 04:26  Falsifian deregisters pikhq with notice.
> > > (time of last report)
> > >
> > >
> > > Players (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship):
> > >
> > > There are 21 Players.
> > >
> > >    Player             Contact                                 Registered
> > >    ------             -------                                 ----------
> > >    omd                comexk at gmail.com [1]                 03 Feb 11
> > >    Aris               thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at gmail.com   13 Sep 16
> > >    Gaelan             gbs at canishe.com                      15 May 17
> > >    G.                 kerim at uw.edu                         25 Aug 17
> > >    Cuddle Beam        cuddlebeam at gmail.com                 25 Aug 17
> > >    Trigon             reuben.staley at gmail.com              24 Sep 17
> > >    Murphy             emurphy42 at zoho.com                   17 Dec 17
> > >    ATMunn             iamingodsarmy at gmail.com              11 Mar 18
> > >    D. Margaux [2]     dmargaux000 at gmail.com                25 Aug 18
> > >    Baron von Vaderham davidseeber at outlook.com              04 Feb 19
> > >    Falsifian          jcook at cs.berkeley.edu                13 Feb 19
> > >    Jason              jason.e.cobb at gmail.com               02 Jun 19
> > >    nch                nchagora at protonmail.com              18 Oct 19
> > >    sukil              sukiletxe+agora at gmail.com            12 Feb 20
> > >    P.S.S. [3]         p.scribonius.scholasticus at gmail.com  01 Mar 20
> > >    R. Lee             edwardostrange at gmail.com             16 Mar 20
> > >    Telnaior           JDGA at iinet.net.au                    21 Mar 20
> > >    grok               grokagora at gmail.com                  20 May 20
> > >    Bögtil             stefan.fjellander at gmail.com          22 May 20
> > > z twg                me at timon.red                         24 May 18
> > > z Tcbapo             tcbapoagora at gmail.com                28 Jan 20
> > >
> > > z=zombie
> > >
> > >
> > > Zombie master and resale value switches (self-ratifying)
> > >
> > >                            Resale   Last owned        Due to flip
> > > Zombie         Master     value    by Agora          to Agora
> > > ------         ------     -------  ---------------   ---------------
> > > twg            Agora      2        now
> > > Tcbapo         Agora      1        now
> > >
> > >
> > > Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)
> > >
> > > Type         Location                                Typical use
> > > ----         --------                                -----------
> > > Public       agora-official at agoranomic.org        official reports
> > > Public       agora-business at agoranomic.org        other business
> > > Discussion   agora-discussion at agoranomic.org      discussion
> > > Discussion   irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/##nomic
> > > <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23%23nomic> discussion
> > > Public       agora at listserver.tue.nl              backup
> > >
> > > Subscribe or unsubscribe from main
> > > lists:http://www.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo
> > >
> > > Subscribe or unsubscribe from tue.nl backup
> > > list:http://listserver.tue.nl/mailman/listinfo/agora
> > >
> > > The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
> > > server irc.freenode.net, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
> > > nickname you like.
> > >
> > >
> > > Watchers (7)
> > >
> > > The list of Watchers is not governed by the rules, but is
> > > traditionally maintained in the Registrar's Report.  If you'd like to
> > > be listed as a Watcher or removed from the list, feel free to email
> > > the fora or the Registrar directly.
> > >
> > > Nickname          Contact                                 Last confirmed
> > > --------          -------                                 --------------
> > > P.S.S. [3]        p.scribonius.scholasticus at gmail.com  2020 February
> > > ais523            AIS523 at alumni.bham.ac.uk             2020 February
> > > Lykaina           mjbermanator at gmail.com               2019 September
> > > Ørjan             oerjan at nvg.ntnu.no                   2017 May
> > > Dave              davidnicol at gmail.com                 2013 May
> > > Phlogistique      noe.rubinstein at gmail.com             2013 May
> > > Steve             zardoz37 at gmail.com                   2013 May
> > >
> > >
> > > [0] Short for Baron von Vaderham.
> > > [1] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at gmail.com
> > > [2] also known as D Margaux
> > > [3] Also known as Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
> > >
> > > - Falsifian
> > >

No, I have no objection.

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