On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 6:20 PM Aris Merchant via agora-business
<agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
> Enter into the lottery today! Everybody wins at least one product for
> every card they put in, risk-free*! All you have to do is transfer one
> or more cards to the contract, IN THIS THREAD, before I close the
> pools (which won't be for a minimum of four days). You'll get at least
> one product back*, and may randomly get more.
> I create the below contract.
> * Except in the exceedingly unlikely case I make a mistake, and I
> intend to publish a draft resolution to make sure there aren't any
> errors that go uncaught.
> -Aris
> ---
> DracoLotto
> This is a contract, which any player CAN join by announcement and any party
> apart from the Administrator CAN leave.

How does one leave? This defines no method.

> --SETUP--
> The Administrator is Aris.
> Pools are sets of assets. The following are Pools, known as Primary Pools,
> and their associated assets:
> - Victory Pool - Victory Cards and Victory Points
> - Justice Pool - Justice Cards and Blot-B-Gones
> - Legislative Pool - Legislative Cards and Pendants
> - Voting Pool - Voting Cards and Extra Votes
> In addition, the House Pool is a Pool.
> For each Primary Pool, there is an untracked natural player switch called
> <POOLNAME> Contribution. A player with a positive contribution to a Pool is a
> Contributor to that pool.

Positive contribution is undefined.

> Before the Pools close:
> When this contract receives an asset associated with a Pool, it goes into
> that Pool. When this contract receives an asset not associated with any
> pool, it goes into the House Pool.
> When a player transfers this contract a Card in the same thread

This clause seems a bit vague to me. Maybe replace with: "When a
players transfers a Card to this contract in the same thread".
Although even with that, I'm not sure why it has to occur in the same

> in which this contract was created, eir Contribution for the associated
> pool increases by 1.
> After the Pools close:
> When this contract receives an asset, it goes into the House Pool.
> Resolving a Primary Pool means performing the following algorithm:
> 1. The Administrator causes this contract to transfer all cards in the pool
>    to emself, by announcement.
> 2. The Administrator pays each card as the minimum possible number of sets
>    to gain the associated products, which are then placed into the pool.

This doesn't define how they are placed into the pool.

> 3. Let M equal the number of sets from the previous step that were of greater
>    than size 1.
> 4. The Administrator transfers all assets into the pool back to the contract.

This seems connected to part 2.

> 5. The Administrator causes this contract to transfer each Contributor
>    associated products equal to their Contribution by announcement,
>    removing the products from the pool.

I'd prefer if we more carefully distinguished between the direct and
indirect objects.

> 6. M associated products are transferred from the pool to the House Pool,
>    removing them from the pool.
> 7. The Administrator causes this contract to transfer each asset remaining in
>    the pool to a randomly selected Contributor by announcement, where each
>    Contributor's probability of receiving it is proportional to eir
>    contribution.
> The Pools are open for four days after this contract comes into existence;
> thereafter, the Administrator CAN close them With 1 Hour Notice, and
> SHALL do so within 48 hours.
> When the Pools close, the Administrator CAN and SHALL, in order:
> 1. Resolve each Primary Pool.
> 2. Select one individual asset from the House Pool and transfer it to emself
>    by announcement, removing it from the House Pool.
> 3. Transfer each asset remaining in the House Pool to the Dragon Corporation,
>    removing it from the House Pool.
> After the previous steps have been completed, the Administrator CAN and SHALL,
> with notice, Wind Up this contract, causing it to cease to exist.
> The Speaker CANNOT object to any action defined in this section.

Why and how is the Speaker limited here?

> This contract is to be interpreted equitably, in accordance with the manifest
> intent of its parties. The Administrator shall have the discretion to 
> reasonably
> interpret this contract to ensure its smooth operation. A mistake on the
> part of the Administrator shall not prevent the algorithms specified by
> this contract from proceeding.
> This contract CAN be amended by the Administrator without objection from its
> parties.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth
  • DIS: Re: BUS: DracoLo... Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-discussion

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