considering I did things wrong, can I get a refund on my 30 coins?

On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 3:29 PM nch via agora-business <> wrote:

> This is the NAX Weekly Report
> {
> Outstanding Orders
> -----------------------------
> Order 0
> - Creater: nch
> - Goods: 10 coins
> - Fulfillment Conditions: "Transfer any card to NAX."
> Order 1
> - Creater: nch
> - Goods: 20 coins
> - Fulfillment Conditions: "Transfer any card to NAX."
> Order 3
> - Creater: CuddleBeam
> - Goods: 30 coins
> - Fulfillment Conditions: "Transfer 1 Victory card to NAX"
> Order History
> --------------------
> Order 2
> - Creater: nch
> - Goods: 30 coins
> - Fulfillment Conditions: "Transfer any card to NAX."
> - Fulfiller: Jason
> }
> The Purse of NAX is 5. I transfer 5 coins from NAX to myself, making
> the Purse 0.
> Below is the entire NAX contract, for convenience
> {
> Contract: Needlessly Abstract Exchange
> PART I: Definitions
> The Needlessly Abstract Exchange (also known as NAX) is a contract which
> facilitates trading among Agorans by providing a fair third party to
> manage assets mid-trade.
> Any party to this contract is a trader. Any player CAN become or cease
> to be a party to this contract by announcement.
> The Exchange Manager is a title belonging to a specific trader. If there
> is no Exchange Manager or the Exchange Manager would be an entity that
> is not a trader, the entity that has been a trader for the longest
> (continuously) becomes the Exchange Manager.
> The Purse is an integer. If the value of The Purse is indeterminate or
> ambiguous, it becomes 0.
> An Order represents a trade. Orders have a Creater, a Fulfiller, Goods,
> Fullfillment Conditions, and may have an Expiration Condition (if none
> is specified, an order has no Expiration Condition). Goods is a list of
> assets, and Fulfillment Conditions can be any text that describes or
> could at some point describe any combination of assets, actions, or
> other conditions. Orders may be closed, pending, or open and are open
> when created.
> PART II: The Trading Fee, Order Creation, and Order Fulfillment
> For every order a trader Creates or Fulfills, e must first pay 1 coin to
> this contract (not as part of an order creation or fulfillment) in the
> same message; otherwise it is INEFFECTIVE. For every coin paid to the
> contract this way the Purse is increased by 1.
> Any trader CAN create an order by transferring any (non-zero) number of
> assets to this contract, specifying Fulfillment Conditions, and
> optionally specifying Expiration Conditions. E becomes the Creator of
> the order, and all assets paid become the Goods of the order.
> Any trader CAN fulfill a specified open order by announcement, and by
> additionally transferring any number of assets to the contract,
> specifying any actions e does in the same message, and specifying any
> other evidence e has successfully fulfilled the order. The order becomes
> pending and e becomes the Fulfiller of the order.
> PART III: Resolving Orders
> For each pending order, the Exchange Manager CAN and SHALL, in a timely
> fashion and by announcement, declare the fulfillment Successful or
> Unsuccessful. E SHALL only declare the fulfillment Successful if e
> believes the Fulfillment Conditions have been met and SHALL NOT declare
> the Unsuccessful unless e believes the Fulfillment Conditions have not
> been met.
> When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment Successful, e CAN and
> SHALL transfer the Goods of the order from this contract to the
> Fulfiller and transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract
> as part of the fulfillment to the Creater of the order. The order
> becomes closed.
> When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment Unsuccessful, e CAN and
> SHALL transfer any assets that were transferred to the contract as part
> of the fulfillment to the Fulfiller. E CAN also transfer 1 coin from
> this contract to the Fulfiller; if e does so the Purse is decreased by
> 1. When the Exchange Manager declares a fulfillment unsuccessful. the
> order becomes open.
> PART IV: Annulling and Refunding Orders
> To annul an order is to transfer all Goods from the order to its
> creater. When an order is annulled it becomes closed. Only an open order
> can be annulled.
> To refund an order is to annul an order and to transfer 1 coin from this
> contract to the order's creater. When an order is refunded the Purse is
> decreased by 1.
> The Exchange Manager CAN annul an order by announcement when it would be
> impossible to ever fulfill the order or when the expiration conditions
> of the order have been met.
> The Exchange Manager CAN refund an order:
> * whenever that order could be annulled. E SHOULD do this instead of
> just annul if e believes the order contains an error, such as a typo or
> misunderstanding of the contract or rules.
> * if the Creater of the order has made more than 2 orders in the last 7
> days or the order is more than 30 days old.
> Whenever an order can be annulled, the Exchange Manager SHALL in a
> timely fashion either annul or refund the order.
> PART V: NAX Reports
> Once a week the Exchange Manager SHALL publish a report. This report
> SHALL contain a list of any outstanding orders and a list of any orders
> that have closed in the last week. If it has been more than a week since
> the last NAX report, this report SHOULD contain all orders that have
> closed since the last such report. When e publishes such a report, e CAN
> transfer X coins from this contract to emself, where X is the current
> value of the purse. When e does so, the purse becomes 0.
> PART VI: Election and Management
> Any trader may elect any other trader to be the Exchange Manager,
> replacing the current Exchange Manager, with X support where X is 1 more
> than half (rounded up) of the number of traders.
> The Exchange Manager CAN cap any trader who has created more than 2
> orders in the last 7 days by announcement. A trader who has been capped
> CANNOT create new orders for 7 days from when e made eir last order.
> PART VII: Self Amendment
> Any trader CAN change the text of the contract by announcement if e has
> specified in an earlier message (published to a public Agoran forum) the
> exact changes to make to the contract and has received explicit consent
> (published to a public Agoran forum) to these changes from at least 1
> more than half, rounded down, of all traders.
> PART VIII: Cleaning Messes
> If this contract owns an asset not associated with an order, the
> exchange manager CAN transfer that asset to the entity who transferred
> the asset to the contract. If the entity that did so cannot own the
> asset, e CAN transfer it to the Lost and Found Department.
> }
> --
> nch
> --
> nch
> Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager, Pirate

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