On 6/17/20 8:11 PM, Rebecca via agora-official wrote:
> I resolve the Agoran Decision for the election of the Prime Minister. The
> quorum was 7 voting system was IRV.
> First Preference Votes
> R. Lee (1): R. Lee
> ATMunn (3): Aris, Jason, ATMunn
> Nch (4): Falsifian, PSS, nch, Trigon
> R. Lee is eliminated with the least votes. Eir one vote is distributed to
> nch
> Second Round
> ATMunn (3): Aris, Jason, ATMunn
> Nch (5): Falsifian, PSS, nch, Trigon, R. Lee
> Nch is therefore the winner of this election in the second round. Nch is
> installed as Prime Minister.
> --
>  From R. Lee

Thank you all for your votes! I shall use my powers wisely.

Prime Minister, Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager

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