On 6/22/20 4:28 PM, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus via agora-discussion 
>> This is meant to give us back that ephemeral chat. And it already has,
>> frankly. In the discord right now is 9 established players, 1 observer,
>> and 1 new player. We've done a lot of collaboration on the github pages.
>> Nothing these permanent archives would miss, I promise. Things like
>> asking each other git technical questions and rapid feedback. Also,
>> we've told jokes and talked about side topics and generally goofed
>> around in an incredibly refreshing way that has no place on a mailing list.
>> And every time anyone in the server wanted to say something longer
>> winded, they've sent it to the mailing lists. Because that's what
>> mailing lists are good at. Having two tools with two different strengths
>> makes us stronger than using one tool to do everything.
>> Again, I shy away from proprietary. But it shouldn't be binary, it
>> should be a continuum. Discord fills a slot nothing us is filling for us
>> right now. It has a (in my personal opinion) good TOS and good revenue
>> plan, ones which are mostly kind to the user. If we find something that
>> performs a similar roll to it in the future but is open source, I'm all
>> for killing it for that.
> This makes sense, but I think the solution to this is to try to
> establish some sort of bridge or create some way for people to access it
> without an account.
I like the bridge idea too, but I'm not entirely sure on the specifics 
of how to implement it yet. Someone with more server experience might 
have a better idea.
>> I don't think we should turn away a good enough tool because it's not
>> perfect. That slowly kills us and alienates us. The fact that I've seen
>> 3 people show up and then disappear in the last few weeks, two of which
>> explicitly complaining about the avalanche of emails and uncertainty
>> about where they can ask questions, should be proof of that.
> If you're correct about the usage of this, only one of those problems
> will be solved. I think we should think about ways to better deal with
> the avalanche on top of this solution.

I agree that we should look for other solutions. But I do think this 
will help both sides. There's definitely been some discussion on the 
fora that would be better in chat, simply because we didn't have the 
option of chat (or we did, but nobody used it regularly enough for it to 
be practical). So it should help a little bit, and it's something we 
were able to do right away.

The Help pages I put up today are intended to assist both these problems 
too. Not by decreasing message volume, but by giving advice on how to 
manage message volume. There's definitely more brainstorming to do on 
this front though.

Prime Minister, Webmastor, NAX Exchange Manager

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