On 6/30/20 10:26 AM, Becca Lee via agora-business wrote:
> I COE the most recent proposal assessment: you missed a vote by G. in
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-business/2020-June/043813.html
> That message, therefore making the assessment invalid. So the scam I've
> been threatening to do can still be done.
> I create 40 blots in my possession.
> Nch intended 56 times to deregister me for having too many blots, and
> “Co-Dependence” allows me to do nearly any game action on eir behalf.
> {Acting on behalf of nch, I resolve one of eir intents to deregister R. Lee.
> I register. I award myself a welcome package. I transfer a victory card and
> a justice card to nch.}
> I repeat the above actions (in braces) so that it happens 16 times. Nch has
> 16 victory cards and 16 justice cards that i’ve given em this way. There
> are 16 intents left.
> I act on behalf of nch to pay those cards in sets of 4 so that e has 40
> victory points and 40 Blot-B-Gones.  I act on nch’s behalf to use 10
> blot-b-gones to expunge any blots e may have. I act on nch’s behalf to win
> the game by announcement due to having more than 20 VP more than any other
> player. All cards and products are destroyed, then one of each card is
> created in each player’s possession.
> I transfer a victory card and a Justice card to nch.
> {Acting on behalf of nch, I resolve one of eir intents to deregister R.
> Lee. I register. I award myself a welcome package. I transfer a victory
> card and a justice card to nch.}
> I repeat the above actions in braces so that they happen 16 times total.
> Nch has 18 victory cards and 18 justice cards.
> I act on nch’s behalf to pay those victory and justice cards into products
> in 4 sets of 4 so that e has 40 victory points and 40 Blot-B-Gones. I act
> on nch’s behalf to transfer 40 victory points to myself  and 40
> Blot-B-Gones to myself. (I now have 0 blots and 40 blot-b-gones). I expunge
> 40 blots from myself.  I am now Pure and I own over 20 more points than any
> other player.  I win the game by announcement.  All cards and products are
> destroyed, then one of each card is created in each player’s possession.
> There are still 24 intents left. I give myself 40 blots.
> {Acting on behalf of nch, I resolve one of eir intents to deregister R. Lee.
> I register. I award myself a welcome package. I transfer a victory card and
> a justice card to nch.}
> I repeat the above actions in braces enough so that they happen 24 times
> total. Nch now has 25 justice cards and 25 victory cards. I act on behalf
> of nch to pay those cards in 6 sets of 4 to make 60 Blot-B-Gone and 60
> Victory Points. I act on nch’s behalf to transfer those assets to myself. I
> pledge to transfer those 60 VP to G, giving em a win and the speakership,
> within 24 hours after the indictments of me for Uncertain Certification are

What do you mean by resolving the Indictments? Multiple stages in the
process could be referred to as resolution.

> resolved (I’m doing this so I can wipe my future blots with the

I don't think that's fair.

> blot-b-gones without an economic reset, then I will give G. the points and
> e will win like I promised). Violating this pledge shall be a class 1000
> crime.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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