I have drafted a simple contract to make my Contract Awards system more
official. Comments welcome, but if there are no major flaws, I will
likely create this contract in the next few hours.


Contract Points are a fixed, indestructible currency with ownership
restricted to persons, tracked by the Notary. Once per week, the Notary
SHOULD publish a list of all Contract Point balances.

To award a gold medal to a person is to cause em to earn 3 Contract
Points; to award a silver medal to a person is to cause em to earn 2
Contract Points; and to award a bronze medal to a person is to cause em
to earn 1 Contract Point.

If e has not done so already in the current week, the Notary CAN award
gold, silver, and bronze medals. E SHALL NOT do so except in accordance
with the following set of guidelines:

1. There are three award categories: Participation, Popularity, and

2. The Participation Award shall be given to the persons who are party
to the greatest number of contracts.

3. The Popularity Award shall be given to the persons who are creators
of contracts with the greatest numbers of parties.

4. The Opulence Award shall be given to the persons who are creators of
contracts with the greatest number of coins.

5. In each category, a gold medal shall be awarded to the single person
who came in first place; a silver medal shall be awarded to the single
person who came in second place; and a bronze medal shall be awarded to
the single person who came in third place.

6. If two or more players would qualify for a gold, silver, or bronze
medal in a particular category, no medal of that type shall be awarded
in that category.

The Notary is ENCOURAGED to publish the list of Contract Point balances
and award medals soon after e publishes eir weekly report.

If any person has at least 30 Contract Points, the Notary SHOULD award
em the Terms of Service Patent Title. Unless the Notary deems that a
particular person has created an exceptionally outstanding contract
worthy of bypassing this system, e SHOULD NOT award any player the Terms
of Service Patent Title for reasons outside of this contract.

When a person is awarded the Terms of Service Patent Title, all of eir
Contract Points are destroyed.

Any player CAN become a party, or cease to be a party, to this contract
by announcement.

friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

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