On 7/23/2020 5:18 PM, Reuben Staley via agora-official wrote:
|   Player   | cn | wc | jc | lc | vc | wp | bg | pd | xv |
|ATMunn      |  39|   0|   0|   0|   2|   0|   0|   1|   0|

Pretty sure I have 2 victory cards, not voting cards. I think this
happened because you have the result of the victory auction listed as
giving a voting card (cuz abbreviations).

Also, I think I still have a voting card - I don't remember doing
anything with it and I can't find the transfer in the logs. Could be
wrong, though.

Apologies for not realizing this stuff sooner.
friendly neighborhood notary and Czar of Russia :)

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