On 8/19/20 8:36 PM, Falsifian via agora-business wrote:
> Warning: the method for the August zombie auction stipulates that only
> "funded" players can be awardees for the auction. Funded players are
> "players who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
> highest bid on that auction".
> It's unclear at what point in time a player must be funded in order to
> be an awardee. Maybe the set of awardees can change over time, or maybe
> it's determined at the end of the auction. There's a risk that if Gaelan
> doesn't personally own, at the time the auction ends, as many Coins as
> eir highest bid, e will be eliminated from the auction.
> Here's the message describing the auction method:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-official/2020-August/014078.html

Under the same idea, that risk exists for Cuddlebeam, who has coins in 
eir contract but not in eir current possession. Might want to remind 
bidders to make themselves funded before the end. Or not, if you think 
that's more amusing.

Prime Minister, Webmastor

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