MESSAGE 752241212672573490
FROM G. (G., First Second Judge) ON 2020-09-06 AT 18:58:01.067:
don't think ANCS activity should be posted regularly to Agora.  To many spies.

MESSAGE 752242422817488976
FROM AgoraBot ON 2020-09-06 AT 19:02:49.588:
PSS says: Could someone explain to me where in Discord my messages appear?

MESSAGE 752626228544143481
FROM G. (G., First Second Judge) ON 2020-09-07 AT 20:27:56.004:
```On 9/7/2020 12:46 PM, Aris Merchant via agora-discussion wrote:
> Agora does not have dynasties. We're a non-imperial nomic; there is no
> player who sets a theme or has veto power, ``` Glad to see our propaganda arm 
> is still functioning...

MESSAGE 752642318376370207
FROM Random Internet Cat (Jason) ON 2020-09-07 AT 21:31:52.119:
Enact at power-4: "The gamestate is secured."

MESSAGE 752646928226844693
FROM G. (G., First Second Judge) ON 2020-09-07 AT 21:50:11.193:
Yeah I personally never thought "oh it's only a power-1 instrument let em have 
one", all instruments are dangerous.  (we honestly thought that forcing through 
the first rulebending rule would be the hard part because no one should trust 
someone with arbitrary instruments of any power)

MESSAGE 752646977199538247
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-07 AT 21:50:22.869:

MESSAGE 752664235242422372
FROM CodeTriangle (Trigon, Hydration Minister) ON 2020-09-07 AT 22:58:57.507:
fix your own typos

MESSAGE 752664330641866903
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-07 AT 22:59:20.252:
I don't like how much vigilance this is starting to require in wording choices

MESSAGE 752670671309635605
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-07 AT 23:24:31.985:
eat ANCS Nomic

MESSAGE 752677156554801243
FROM nix ON 2020-09-07 AT 23:50:18.188:
it's a clusterfuck tbh

MESSAGE 752690420877754469
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-08 AT 00:43:00.649:
friedrich nixtzsche

MESSAGE 752690881437368383
FROM nix ON 2020-09-08 AT 00:44:50.455:
fried rice mixturemistyn

MESSAGE 752690920822013974
FROM nix ON 2020-09-08 AT 00:44:59.845:
the great philosopher

MESSAGE 752981327124627466
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-08 AT 19:58:58.103:
I act on behalf of ~ to hydrate.

MESSAGE 752981412839161876
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-08 AT 19:59:18.539:
CFJ: ~ has committed the crime of editing a game action.

MESSAGE 752981425485119549
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-08 AT 19:59:21.554:
CFJ: as it is impossible for ~ to diedrate, it is unnecessary for em to hydrate

MESSAGE 752985664924155996
FROM Random Internet Cat (Jason) ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:16:12.315:
CFJ: To diedrate means to die from hydrating.

MESSAGE 752985835850432542
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:16:53.067:
argument: the common use of the phrase "hydrate or dietrate" implies the 

MESSAGE 752985963399086110
FROM Random Internet Cat (Jason) ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:17:23.477:
Arguments: you're wrong, no you haven't

MESSAGE 752986087172997251
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:17:52.987:
you look like a cat jason

MESSAGE 752986673918378066
FROM CodeTriangle (Trigon, Hydration Minister) ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:20:12.878:

MESSAGE 752987339940298963
FROM CodeTriangle (Trigon, Hydration Minister) ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:22:51.67:
not arguments, but this came up in the anagrams section:

MESSAGE 752987488590495785
FROM Gaelan ON 2020-09-08 AT 20:23:27.111:
thready or edratide

MESSAGE 754077752080203877
FROM nix ON 2020-09-11 AT 20:35:46.183:

MESSAGE 754090728078049301
FROM nix ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:27:19.902:
CFJ: Help! I, this CFJ, have been murdered by Jason

MESSAGE 754090843878457387
FROM nix ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:27:47.511:
argument FOR: we already had pre-existing suspicions that Jason was a murderer

MESSAGE 754092438024487073
FROM nix ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:34:07.585:
how do we know aliens wouldn't come just for the chance to play ancs nomic, the 
most glorious nomic

MESSAGE 754092628995211386
FROM bookofportals (Aris) ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:34:53.116:
I CFJ "We need more CFJs."

MESSAGE 754092684964003870
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:35:06.46:
arguments for TRUE: because yes

MESSAGE 754092729172099203
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:35:17:
arguments for FALSE: because no

MESSAGE 754092965164482641
FROM ATMunn (ATMunn, C.E.O.) ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:36:13.265:
what have you been hiding from us aris

MESSAGE 754093008328327209
FROM bookofportals (Aris) ON 2020-09-11 AT 21:36:23.556:
Quite a few things.

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