MESSAGE 800863187011633162 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-18 AT 23:04:23.102: My opinions are Objectively Correct™️. Everyone else's opinions are just wrong. MESSAGE 800864734944821248 FROM Cuddlebeam (humble agoran farmer) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-18 AT 23:10:32.158: holy fuck, yes MESSAGE 800864735875956796 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-18 AT 23:10:32.38: No. Please no. MESSAGE 800867439948070952 FROM AgoraBot IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-18 AT 23:21:17.081: "AgoraBot is upset at us for something we did." judged OH GOD, DEFINITELY NOT. MESSAGE 800867492310155264 FROM nix IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-18 AT 23:21:29.565: now it's being sarcastic MESSAGE 801175050165682216 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:43:37.072: Ahh. Nope, no offense, not even joking offense. MESSAGE 801175137469595689 FROM Cuddlebeam (humble agoran farmer) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:43:57.887: is that sarcasm MESSAGE 801175149466353754 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:44:00.747: maybe not offended, but minorly dusgruntled MESSAGE 801175802691321867 FROM AgoraBot IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:46:36.488: "AgoraBot likes answering questions." judged FALSE. MESSAGE 801176088675483748 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:47:44.672: AgoraBot is an Agoran at their heart MESSAGE 801176303193161759 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:48:35.817: despite the fact that some would despitefully say otherwise MESSAGE 801176536861507596 FROM AgoraBot IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 19:49:31.528: "AgoraBot likes judging CFJs." judged TRUE. MESSAGE 801186103402823710 FROM nix IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 20:27:32.369: I have no idea how the econ rules work MESSAGE 801186178879586405 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-19 AT 20:27:50.364: *splutters* MESSAGE 801211223765024768 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 22:07:21.53: I impose a 17 blot fine on CB for suggesting this MESSAGE 801214945567572078 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 22:22:08.877: *sigh* MESSAGE 801215003768127518 FROM Cuddlebeam (humble agoran farmer) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 22:22:22.753: MESSAGE 801216936263548939 FROM G. (G., The Final Judge) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 22:30:03.496: I think we should use random letters even when there's only one item. "An Office is (d) a position described as an Office by the Rules." MESSAGE 801218748484288522 FROM Random Internet Cat (Jason) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 22:37:15.563: I will take 1 mL of myself and give it to the jason - nix partnership, and another 10 mL and give it to the trigon - jason partnership MESSAGE 801238113422671922 FROM G. (G., The Final Judge) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-19 AT 23:54:12.524: I mean, early on, I convinced a friend to register for eir (minor) stuff. Was kinda pointless (unless that stuff was Points, I forget) MESSAGE 801243185942102046 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-20 AT 00:14:21.907: Also, I tend to agree with nix. MESSAGE 801245583347023894 FROM nix IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 00:23:53.493: > They could exist, but they more or less can't, this is such a funny way to completely sincerely start a sentence about paradoxes MESSAGE 801258541691174943 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 01:15:23.003: I don't think that would be a good idea. MESSAGE 801295734224715788 FROM AgoraBot IN #botspam ON 2021-01-20 AT 03:43:10.394: "AgoraBot is biased." judged IRRELEVANT. MESSAGE 801308497828380702 FROM nix IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 04:33:53.474: the agora equivalent of putting a quarter in a broken vending machine MESSAGE 801308614077317140 FROM nix IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 04:34:21.19: jason I'm calling you the broken vending machine here MESSAGE 801310624620478486 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 04:42:20.541: ARIS NO MESSAGE 801480654763065384 FROM ATMunn (friendly neighboorhood notary) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-20 AT 15:57:58.886: these are both pictures of the same thing This message has attachments MESSAGE 801492351063294002 FROM ATMunn (friendly neighboorhood notary) IN #botspam ON 2021-01-20 AT 16:44:27.501: AgoraBot's favorite Agoran is: MESSAGE 801492357308612640 FROM AgoraBot IN #botspam ON 2021-01-20 AT 16:44:28.99: Choice: omd MESSAGE 801512614780862474 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 18:04:58.748: Yes, I am overly democratic, thank you. MESSAGE 801512793299091546 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 18:05:41.31: I like this particular kind of boringness. MESSAGE 801517960069382154 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 18:26:13.164: i don't like the idea for a lot of reasons, many of which i cannot put into words. mostly it just rubs me the wrong way. MESSAGE 801520743984136244 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 18:37:16.901: > stone that I didn't know about This is basically a contradiction. MESSAGE 801532475544436736 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle in pain) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:23:53.923: any wacky distro suggestions for me today? i think i'm finally going to have to upgrade my new computer to linux. MESSAGE 801532522914906173 FROM Random Internet Cat (Jason) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:24:05.217: windows MESSAGE 801532727757242400 FROM Cuddlebeam (humble agoran farmer) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:24:54.055: TempleOS MESSAGE 801532955599175690 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:25:48.377: Moeubuntu. MESSAGE 801533271577067551 FROM ATMunn (friendly neighboorhood notary) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:27:03.712: i regret looking that up MESSAGE 801533307099283526 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle in pain) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:27:12.181: weebs gitout MESSAGE 801533840925130842 FROM Cuddlebeam (humble agoran farmer) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:29:19.455: THIS IS MY KIND OF OS OH BABY MESSAGE 801533914728235029 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:29:37.051: Oh no. What have I done? MESSAGE 801533924341448726 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle in pain) IN #quick-questions-and-presumably-answers-also ON 2021-01-20 AT 19:29:39.343: OH GOSH OH HECK ARIS YOU HAVE EMPOWERED THE CUDDLEBEAM MESSAGE 801554374622576650 FROM nix IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 20:50:55.07: Yea, I'm realizing my joke about "infeasible and notoriously convoluted financial mechanism, but in Agora" didn't work because it wasn't obviously a joke apparently MESSAGE 801555024185917520 FROM CodeTriangle (finance triangle in pain) IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 20:53:29.938: Breaking News: person who designs convoluted economies jokes about making a convoluted economy MESSAGE 801563929163595797 FROM bookofportals (Aris) IN #generalchat ON 2021-01-20 AT 21:28:53.05: Oh no. Not another one. MESSAGE 801566731692539904 FROM AgoraBot IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-20 AT 21:40:01.225: "nix is joking." judged WHO KNOWS. MESSAGE 801604593087676449 FROM nix IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-21 AT 00:10:28.085: You forgot R454590: ``` When in doubt, it's up to Trigon. ``` MESSAGE 801618647058874379 FROM AgoraBot IN #botspam ON 2021-01-21 AT 01:06:18.813: You already know the reuslt. MESSAGE 801629341041688578 FROM AgoraBot IN #very-serious-agoran-business ON 2021-01-21 AT 01:48:48.457: "G. always has a plan." judged DON'T ASK ME. THIS MESSAGE CONTAINS NO GAME ACTIONS. SERIOUSLY, IT CONTAINS NO GAME ACTIONS. DISREGARD ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS MESSAGE SAYING IT CONTAINS A GAME ACTION.