On 8/15/2021 2:43 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:
> Aspen wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 8, 2021 at 4:59 PM Kerim Aydin via agora-business
>> <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>>> On 8/8/2021 3:33 PM, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:
>>>> The rules actually say "clearly specify" at one other point (Rule 107,
>>>> Initiating Agoran Decisions). In this case, while "exactly which part of
>>>> this message constitutes the text of the intended proposal" is somewhat
>>>> unclear, it isn't substantially unclear; any reasonable interpretation
>>>> still leads to a proposal that,
>>> I intend to motion to reconsider this judgement with 2 support.
>>> In this judgement, the judge is (1) claiming the text is clearly
>>> specified, but (2) then says it's somewhat unclear, but then (3) says any
>>> reasonable interpretation works, but (4) then doesn't actually give an
>>> interpretation, that's not clarifying at all (in direct contradiction to
>>> the stated judgement).
>>> Regardless of the fact that multiple interpretations might lead to a
>>> proposal that gives the same result, that does not make a single text
>>> clear, and a single text is required. If "any reasonable" interpretation
>>> is possible, then there's no clear single interpretation, which the rule
>>> requires.
>>> -G.
>> I strongly support and do so.
>> -The Promotor, who likes knowing what e supposed to put in eir reports
> I recuse myself from this CFJ, but request that the new judge address
> how the absence of "clearly" in Rule 2350 (Proposals) affects this
> case. (Obviously it would be a good thing to fix legislatively.)


Sincere apologies to H. Judge Murphy for misreading / misrepresenting what
e said about "clearly"!

As for the terms, "specify" must be specific (i.e. if there's multiple
reasonable interpretations, it's not specific).  Maybe it's something like

Specify = leads to only one reasonable interpretation.  May be a little
complicated, but not unreasonably hard, to follow that lead.

Clearly specify = Easily/transparently leads to only one reasonable
interpretation (a moron in a hurry could do it).

Not specified = can lead to more than one reasonable interpretation, or
none, or nigh-impossible to interpret.

I think we've got at least a couple reasonable ways to interpret that
proposal text (and I think that's what H. Judge Murphy implied as well
with "any" reasonable interpretation), hence it falls in the "not
specified" category.


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