Hello everyone! After the success of last year's Diplonomic tournament,
several people on the Discord server expressed interest in playing
Diplomacy again. We decided not to do it as an official tournament in
Agora, but rather just a fun side thing. An advantage of doing it this
way is that we can use a website to run the game, meaning we don't need
a gamemaster. We will be using the website Backstabbr

Another thing we decided is to do teams. Last year, Aspen and Trigon
formed a team and played together as England. They both expressed that
they really enjoyed that and wanted to do that again. By doing teams of
2, we can get up to 14 players.

To fill all these spots, I've also sent an invitation to those on the
Infinite Nomic Discord server.

If anyone is interested, go ahead and sign up here:

friendly neighborhood notary :)

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