On 1/17/2022 1:11 AM, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-01-17 at 10:07 +0100, nethack4.org dicebot via agora-
> business wrote:
>> The dice roll was: 28
>> This is R1688, Power.
> For reference:
> {{{
>     The Power of an entity is a non-negative rational number. An
>     instrument is an entity with positive Power.
>     The Power of an entity cannot be set or modified except as
>     stipulated by the Rules. All entities have Power zero except where
>     specifically allowed by the rules.
>     A Rule that makes a change, action, or value secured (hereafter
>     the securing Rule) thereby makes it IMPOSSIBLE to perform that
>     change or action, or to set or modify that value, except as
>     allowed by an instrument with Power greater than or equal to the
>     change's Power Threshold. This Threshold defaults to the securing
>     Rule's Power, but CAN be lowered as allowed by that Rule
>     (including by the Rule itself).
> }}}
> Any suggestions? It may be hard to find something that doesn't fail for
> precedence reasons.

"All entities have device zero except where specifically allowed by the

[I wouldn't read "device zero" as "zero devices" although another judge
might - would this mean there was a "device zero" belonging to everyone?]

"A device is an entity with positive power"

[Would this (1) make all rules into devices or (2) make the "actual"
device nonexistent, as it is not an entity with positive power?]

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