On Sun, 2022-01-30 at 12:01 -0800, Edward Murphy via agora-business wrote:
> Proposal: No audience, no action
> (AI = 3)
> Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by replacing this text:
>        A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent to
>        all players
> with this text:
>        A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent to
>        all players (or, if there are no players, a reasonably large
>        subset of all persons who have ever been players)

I think it'd be better to have a concrete minimum number of (players +
former players) to send the message to (e.g. 3 or 5), in order to avoid
subjectivity in whether or not a message is public, and to avoid a lone
player taking hidden game actions via emailing only emself.

(Arguably it might also make sense to tie this to Laudability.)


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