Janet wrote:


As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 2677
("Etiquette"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 2677 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 2677/0 (Power=0.5)

       Officers SHOULD:
- publish dates in YYYY-MM-DD or DD Mon YY format in reports,
          whichever is more fitting to the situation;
- communicate a schedule of when regularly timed duties will
          usually be done;
- maintain an online version of eir report(s) in a browser-native
          format (such as html); AND
- maintain a repository of eir report(s) in a public place. Players SHOULD: - signal the official name of the primary action and/or the
          relevant officer that tracks said actions in the title of a
          public message; AND
- be kind.


      Players SHOULD:

       - signal the official name of the primary device and/or the
         relevant officer that tracks said devices in the title of a
         public message; AND

       - be kind.

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