On Wed, 2023-02-15 at 11:38 -0800, nix wrote:
> I was testing keyword matches, but mostly I was also testing an
> unrelated thing and needed a message to go to list.

I think you normally get messages along the lines of "this is a test"
for this, to which the customary answer nonetheless seems to be "I
object." (Strangely, I vaguely remember that that custom *predated*
Apathy being added to the rules.)

More recently, I've taken to using normal game actions for this sort of
test, e.g. voting, to reduce the risk that people suspect that I'm up
to something. (When I am up to something, I typically prefer other
people to not realise it, in case they work out what I'm up to and stop
it somehow. When I'm not up to something, I again don't want to raise
suspicions about what I might be up to, in case people end up making
life difficult for me trying to stop the nonexistent scam.)


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