This probably adds an incentive to AGAINST everything from specific people
who are about to win with crystals. Or AGAINST in general, I suppose.

On Tuesday, April 11, 2023, Forest Sweeney via agora-business <> wrote:

> This has been fluctuating from serious to non-serious, which is where a
> rule should be.... seems there's a little more support now than before, and
> I've made some changes.
> Overall, I'm going to let this sit for review for a bit, but I'd rather add
> co-authors than to become a co-author on this one (seeing as it is
> substantial, and apparently there are players that want me to have the
> office it creates).
> TLDR (this is what is intended, at least):
> - each crystal represents uniquely one rule.
> - each crystal grows as it is amended/repealed or stays repealed.
> - each crystal will eventually be transferred if it gets amended too much
> by the non-owner
> - get enough total crystal to win.
> Changes from last time (when it wasn't poetry):
> - removed size decreases (added quarterly size increase for repealed rules
> instead)
> - Added instability (instead of transferring immediately after amending it
> once, need to amend it a few times to have it transfer automatically)
> - force all crystallized players to win (not just some crystallized
> players)
> {
> The Geologist is the office that tracks crystals.
> Each crystal is a liquid asset.
> Each crystal has three secured natural integer switches,
> one of which is the size, the second is its identity,
> and the third is the instability.
> The default size of a crystal is 1.
> The default instability of a crystal is 0.
> Each Quarter, the size is increased by 1 of all crystals with
> identifiers that don't match any rule number in the current ruleset.
> Whenever a proposal amends or repeals a rule:
> - If a crystal with an identity equal to the number of that rule
>   exists, combine that proposal with that crystal.
> - Otherwise, grant the author of the proposal a crystal with the
>   identity equal to the number of that rule.
> Whenever a proposal and a crystal combine:
> - Increase the size of the crystal by 1.
> - If the proposal's author doesn't own the crystal,
>   increase the instability of the crystal by 2.
> - If the instability is equal to or larger than the size of the
>   crystal, transfer the crystal to the author of the proposal, and
>   reduce the instability of the crystal by 3.
> A player CAN, by announcement, Shatter the System, and attempting to
> specify all crystallized players, provided that no player has won the
> game by doing so in the past 30 days. An player is crystallized if
> it owns crystals with a total size greater than or equal to the
> number of rules in the current ruleset.
> When the System is Shattered, all crystallized players win the game.
> If a player won the game in this manner 4 or more days ago, any
> player CAN repeal this rule by announcement.
> }

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