What are generally the unwritten behaviour rules on Tournaments like these?
- Can I collude with other players in private?
- Can I participate without the intent to win, and instead just behave
according to how I'm secretly paid to behave?
- How are kingmaking situations viewed?

On Thu, Apr 13, 2023 at 7:26 PM nix via agora-business <
agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I intend, with 2 Agoran Consent, to start the following tournament:
> {
> Name: Commune
> Description
> ===========
> This tournament is a self-contained game inspired by Acquire where
> players build communities on a board, invest in those communities, and
> gain rewards when communities they invested in are absorbed by other
> communities.
> Playing
> =======
> Any player CAN become a participant of this Tournament at any time
> during its play by announcement.
> Any participant CAN cease to be so by announcement. A participant of
> this tournament ceases to be so when e becomes inactive in Agora. When
> a person ceases to be a participant, all assets e owns defined by this
> Tournament are destroyed.
> The Game Master for this tournament is also known as the Surveyor.
> Gaining Tokens
> ==============
> A Token is an asset ownable by participants only. Tokens are untradeable
> and indestructible except as otherwise defined by this Tournament. Each
> Token has a corresponding Symbol which can be any English letter A-J or
> any integer 0-9.
> Each participant has a Left, Middle, and a Right Token Constructor. By
> default, Token Constructors are set to construct nothing.
> For each of eir Token Constructors, players CAN once a week do one of
> the following by announcement:
> - Begin Constructing a Token with a specified Symbol.
> - Grant emself the Token that the Token Constructor is already
>    constructing (if not set to nothing).
> The play board
> ==============
> The playboard is a grid of size 10 x 10. The x coordinates of the
> playboard are identified by English letters A-J, and the Y coordinates
> of the playboard are identified by integers [0-9].
> Adjacency is defined by being at the same cordinate on one plane, and
> exactly one coordinate away on the other plane.
>    A B C D E F G H I J
>   +-------------------+
> 0|x x x x x x x x x x|0
> 1|x x x x x x x x x x|1
> 2|x x x x x x x x x x|2
> 3|x x x x x x x x x x|3
> 4|x x x x x x x x x x|4
> 5|x x x x x x x x x x|5
> 6|x x x x x x x x x x|6
> 7|x x x x x x x x x x|7
> 8|x x x x x x x x x x|7
> 9|x x x x x x x x x x|9
>   +-------------------+
>    A B C D E F G H I J
> Placing Tiles and Founding Communities
> ======================================
> If a tile has not been placed on a location on the board, it is empty.
> Participants CAN place a tile on an empty location by paying one letter
> token and one number token that correspond to that location's
> coordinates.
> If a tile is placed that is not adjacent to any tiles belonging to any
> communities, the player that placed it founds a new community, e is
> granted 1 investment for that community, and e becomes its founder. E
> SHOULD name the community after any color that starts with a different
> first letter than any existing community. If e does not, the Surveyor
> SHALL do so instead.
> A player who is the founder of an existing community CANNOT place a tile
> that would found a new community.
> If a tile is placed adjacent to one or more tiles belonging to a single
> community, that tile belongs to that community.
> If a tile is placed adjacent to two or more tiles belongining to
> different communities, a merger happens.
> When a merger happens, all tiles in all involved communities cease to
> belong to eir previous community and begin to belong to whichever
> involved community was largest when the tile was placed. Each player who
> had an investment in each smaller community gains x Accolades for each
> community e had an investment in, where x is the total tiles that
> belonged to that community immediately before the merger divided by the
> total number of investments that exist for that community and times the
> number of investments for that community that player owns.
> Investments
> ===========
> An Investment is an indestructible (except as otherwise allowed in this
> Tournament) and untradeable asset. Each Investment corresponds with a
> Community. The investment limit is the current number of communities.
> Once per week a participant with less investments than the investment
> limit CAN grant emself an investment in any specified community.
> If a participant would gain an investment when e already is at the
> investment limit, the investment e would gain is instead destroyed.
> Trading
> =======
> Participants can make a Trade Offer, specifying a token e owns, a set of
> symbols e wants, and, optionally, a set of participants allowed to
> accept the offer. Any participant can withdraw any trade offer e has
> made at any time.
> If a participant is in the set of participants allowed by an offer (if
> not specified, then e is) and has a token matching the wanted set, e can
> ACCEPT that offer by announcement and specifying the corresponding
> token. When e does so, the token specified in the Offer is transfered to
> em, and the token e specified is transferred to the participant that
> made the trade offer.
> Ending and Winning
> ==================
> An accolade is an indestructible and untradeable currency.
> When one community takes up more than 50% of the board, the tournament
> ends.
> If it has been 3 months since the tournament started, the tournament
> ends.
> When the tournament ends, the participant with the greatest number of
> accolades wins.
> Clean-Up
> ========
> If any asset defined by this tournament would ever belong to Agora, a
> deregistered person, a deactivated player, the L&FD, or be in abeyance,
> it is instead destroyed.
> }
> --
> nix
> Prime Minister, Herald

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