On 11/3/2023 12:46 PM, nix via agora-discussion wrote:

Brainstorming subgame ideas and I realized I should just ask people -
what have you been playing, or wanting to play recently? Can be as
specific or general as you want. Might be helpful to generate ideas for
what people might want to do.

Personally, lately I've been really into roguelikes of all types,
especially rougelike deckbuilders. I'm also replaying Mass Effect.

As a stream of consciousness, here's all the games I've been playing or wanting 
to play (sorted according to how well I think they could be scavenged for Agora 

Board Games
* Pax Pamir 2E
* War Chest
* Oath
* Ahoy
* John Company 2E
* Eclipse: Second Dawn
* Twilight Imperium 4E

Video Games
* Frostpunk
* Simmiland
* Bad North
* In Other Waters
* Slay the Spire

I will note that at least for some of these I've considered their subsystems 
for potential tournaments.

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