On 11/26/23 16:50, secretsnail9 via agora-official wrote:
> ID: 9039
> Title: Well, worth a shot
> Adoption Index: 1.0
> Author: juan
> Co-authors:
> Create a rule with title “We win”, power 1, and text:
> {
> Immediatly after the creation of this rule, the players
> 4st, juan, zipzap, Goren, crystalizedmire, cuddlybanana,
> Anneke-Constantine and kiako win the game and this rule
> is repealed, in that order.
> }
> Grant players 4st, juan, zipzap, Goren, crystalizedmire,
> cuddlybanana, Anneke-Constantine and kiako Black Ribbons.

Because I appreciate the moves being attempted here, I offer this
brainstorming: There are a couple players not on your list without black
ribbons. You may be able to rally a few more votes by including them.
I'd suggest privately messaging them first tho to feel it out; they may
also have other rewards they're interested in.


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