(Inspired somewhat by
but trying to tone it down to essentials for emergence of complex gameplay
from simple rules)

The Knip is an ordered list of players.
Morpts are a fungible asset.
The Qander is a singleton integer switch, defaulting to 3.
The Jelly Bean is an office that tracks the Knip, Morpts, and the Qander.

- At the beginning of each week, the player who is Qander in the Knip is
granted 1 morpt and removed from the Knip.

- Any player CAN, by announcement, enter the Knip if e is not in it,
becoming the last player in the Knip.

- Once each week, any player CAN floop with notice, reversing the Knip.
and then just let players add/remove to it, like,
- Players CAN, by announcement, pay 1 morpt for 5 victory tokens.
- Players CAN, by announcement, pay 1 morpt to increase or decrease the
Qander by 1.


Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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