On 3/9/24 18:51, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
> I grant myself a welcome package.
> I don't think i've gotten one yet.
> CFJ: snail was granted a stamp in this message.
> arguments for TRUE:
> When i registered, i was granted some assets that did not include a
> stamp of my own type. So, since a welcome package is a set of assets
> containing one stamp of my own type, i never received one, and thus
> the grant in this message succeeded. The rule doesn't really track the
> previous "welcome package" because it's no longer a welcome package as
> defined by the rules. If anyone had tried this before and we assumed
> it failed, that'd be a point for game custom, but it seems like nobody
> has so it's free game! Since you can only do it once, it's fun and
> good for the game, and it isn't exactly anti-common sense. Now i just
> hope there's no precedence otherwise.
> arguments for FALSE:
> I have at one point received a snail stamp from a wealth dream. If
> that counts as receiving a welcome package, then it's FALSE. But that
> seems to go against the intent of the rule and could break things.
> --
> snail


I think R1586 (Definition and Continuity of Entities) is relevant here.
Several CFJs try to address similar questions, maybe most recently CFJ 4018.


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