Non-Tailor's Ribbon Non-Report

Date of this report:  Fri 01 Feb 08
Date of last report:  Wed 16 Jan 08
(All times are UTC)

Recent events
Wed 16 Jan 03:07:21  Proposal 5404 defines and initializes Ribbons
Last Report
Wed 16 Jan 16:47:11 pihkq assigns judgment on time (B)
Mon 28 Jan 02:29:51 Jeremy registers for the first time (W)

Player                   ROGCBKWMUVIY  Ribbon count (12 to win)
avpx                           W             1
BobTHJ                       BK              2
comex                                        0
Goddess Eris             R   BK              3
Goethe                   ROG B               4
Iammars                      B W             2
Jeremy                         W             1
Levi                     R G B               3
Murphy                   RO CB    VI         6
OscarMeyr                R GCB               4
Peekee                     G                 1
pikhq                      G BK              3
root                     ROG B   UV          6
woggle                       B W             2
Wooble                       B               1
Zefram                   ROGCBK   V          7

AFO                        G                 1
Left Hand                                    0
Pineapple Partnership        B               1

Ribbon awards (Rule 2126)
Red            Interested proposal changes rule with Power >= 3
Orange         Interested proposal adopted unanimously
Green          Hold office for full month with no late reports
Cyan           Deputise
Blue           Judge (other than sentence) on time
blacK          Sentence on time
White          First registration, mentor, prodigy
Magenta        Acknowledge Agora's birthday
Ultraviolet    Win
Violet         Patent Title
Indigo         Degree
Yellow         Contestmaster with 3+ scorers in a month

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