This message serves to resolve the Agoran Decision to choose the
holder of the Grand Poobah office.

The votes were:

Wooble: OscarMeyr
OscarMeyr: OscarMeyr
Taral: OscarMeyr
ais523: Ivan Hope CXXVII
woggle: OscarMeyr (conditionally endorsing OscarMeyr)
Goethe: OscarMeyr (conditionally endorsing OscarMeyr)

Pavitra: OscarMeyr (conditional on pledge)
Sgeo: OscarMeyr (conditional on pledge)

I'm treating OscarMeyr's pledge to be sufficient to satisfy Pavitra
and Sgeo's conditions; if it's not due to some technicality (I didn't
check that the final pledge is substantially the same as eir
previously-announced policy), these last 2 votes are cast for woggle
instead.  The result remains the same.

The option selected by Agora is OscarMeyr.  I hereby install em as Grand Poobah.

--IADOP Wooble

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