This distribution of proposals and the subsequent assigning of ID
numbers initiates the Agoran Decisions on whether to adopt proposals
6635-6644. The eligible voters for these proposals are the active
players as of this message, and the vote collector is the Assessor.
The valid options on each decision are FOR and AGAINST; as with all
Agoran Decisions, PRESENT is also an option. These decisions are all
ordinary to begin.

6635  3   3.0  coppro            Red      Agree to Disagree
6636  0   2.0  Murphy            Green    Refactor definitions
6637  1   1.0  G.*               Purple   Point Blank
6638  1   2.0  Yally             Red      Canceling Charge
6639  1   1.0  Yally             Red      Revert the Speakership
6640  1   3.0  Murphy            Purple   Hold still, take two
6641  1   2.0  Murphy            Purple   Democratic Disinterest
6642  1   2.0  coppro            Red      Reduce the Recordkeepors' Burden
6643  1   1.5  coppro            Red      I Feel Left Out
6644  1   2.0  coppro            Red      Urgent Proposals



ID: 6635
Title: Agree to Disagree
Author: coppro
AI: 3.0
II: 3
Chamber: Red

Repeal every rule (in numerical order) that, in the most recent
publication of the FLR prior to the publication of this proposal, was
in the Contract Law category.

Repeal Rule 2169 (Equity Cases).
Repeal Rule 2145 (Partnerships).
Enact a new Rule with power 3:
For greater certainty, no entity is a contract for the purposes
of Rules.
[This prevents people from abusing real-law contracts in the remaining
rules that refer to them, since I'm too lazy and busy to amend those
rules appropriately.]


ID: 6636
Title:  Refactor definitions
Author: Murphy
AI: 2.0
II: 0
Chamber: Green

Create a rule titled "Veto and Rubberstamp" with Power 2 and this text:

     Vetoing an ordinary decision during its voting period increases
     its adoption index by 1 and makes it Democratic.  Vetoing a
     decision under other circumstances has no effect.

     Rubberstamping an ordinary, non-filibustered decision during its
     voting period decreases its quorum to 3, rules to the contrary
     notwithstanding.  Rubberstamping a decision under other
     circumstances has no effect.

Amend Rule 2255 (Major Arcana) by replacing this text:

     Title:  Majority Leader.
     Position: The Majority Leader CAN veto a specified ordinary
     decision in its voting period by announcement; this increases
     its Adoption Index by 1 and makes it Democratic.

     Title: Cabinet Secretary.
     Position: the Cabinet Secretary CAN rubberstamp an ordinary,
     non-filibustered decision in its voting period by indicating the
     decision; this decreases its quorum to 3, rules to the contrary

with this text:

     Title:  Majority Leader.
     Position: The Majority Leader CAN veto a specified decision by

     Title: Cabinet Secretary.
     Position: the Cabinet Secretary CAN rubberstamp a specified
     decision by announcement.


ID: 6637
Title: Point Blank
Author: G.
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Purple

[Keeps Paradox, Medals, Proposal, Leadership, and Solitude as ways to
win. Gets rid of Ribbons, Junta, Clout, High Score/Points).

Repeal Rule 2199 (Ribbons)
Repeal Rule 2223 (Win by Junta)
Repeal Rule 2134 (Win by Clout)
Repeal Rule 2187 (Win by High Score)
Repeal Rule 2179 (Points)
Repeal Rule 2232 (Contest Axes)
Repeal Rule 2233 (Awarding and Revoking Points)
Repeal Rule 2234 (Rewarding Contestmasters)
Amend Rule 2272 (Leadership Tokens) to read:

     Leadership Tokens are a currency tracked by the Assessor. A
     player CANNOT destroy (redeem) Leadership Tokens in eir
     possession, except that e CAN:

     (a) redeem 3 Leadership Tokens in eir possession to satisfy the
         Winning Condition of Leadership;
     (b) redeem 1 Leadership Token in eir possession to create 4 ergs
         in eir possession.


ID: 6638
Title: Canceling Charge
Author: Yally
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Append the following text to Rule 2284 (Fee-based actions)

     - A player CAN destroy an erg in the possession of a specified
     player for a charge of 2 ergs. The PSM SHALL note such a
     destruction in eir report.

[The part about the PSM reporting the event serves to require
the PSM to not only show that 2 ergs were spent, but also
that 1 erg was destroyed.]

End Proposal

I spend one erg to make the above distributable.

Proposal: 2284 Cleanup (AI = 2, II = 0)

Change the text of Rule 2284 from "Fee-based actions" to "Fee-based Actions".


ID: 6639
Title: Revert the Speakership
Author: Yally
AI: 1.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Amend the text in Rule 402 (Identity of the Speaker) reading:

     The Speaker is the active player on the List of Succession who
     became part of the list the longest time ago.  The Herald SHALL
     announce the ascension of a new Speaker asap after it occurs.


     The Speaker is the active player on the List of Succession who
     won the game most recently. The Herald SHALL announce the
     ascension of a new Speaker as soon as possible after it occurs.

[Traditionally, the Speaker was the most recent Player to win the
game. It seems trivial to assign the fifth most recent player to win
the game to be Speaker. This has the added benefit of giving Players
who are already on the List of Succession a reason to win the game


ID: 6640
Title: Hold still, take two
Author: Murphy
AI: 3.0
II: 1
Chamber: Purple

Create a rule titled "Timing of Voting Limits" with Power 3 and this

     Voting eligibility and voting limits for an Agoran decision are
     fixed according to the gamestate at the start of the voting
     period, with the following exceptions:

       a) When a decision becomes democratic during its voting period,
          voting eligibility and voting limits are re-measured
          according to the gamestate at the start of the voting period
          as it pertained to democratic decisions.

       b) During the voting period, an eligible voter CAN by
          announcement cause eir voting limit to be re-measured
          according to the gamestate at the time of the announcement;
          this causes any votes e previously cast on that decision to
          be retracted.

[Moves the burden of noticing a change in potential voting limit from
the Assessor to the voter.]

Amend Rule 1950 (Voting on Democratic Decisions) to read:

     The eligible voters on a democratic decision are the active
     first-class players.

[Remove redundancies with the above rule and Rule 683.]

Amend Rule 2154 (Election Procedure) by removing this text from
section 3:

     Each eligible voter's voting limit is one.

[Redundant with Rule 683.]

Amend Rule 2156 (Voting on Ordinary Decisions) by replacing the
paragraph beginning with this text:

     The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are

with this text:

     The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are the active
     players.  The voting limit of a player on an ordinary decision
     is eir base voting limit on that decision (as defined elsewhere
     in the rules, equal to one if it would otherwise be undefined or
     ambiguous), subject to modification by rules with power at least
     as great as this one.

[Refactor Rest modifier into a separate rule.  Remove redundancy with
the new rule created above.  Protect against the definition of base
voting limits being broken.]

Create a rule titled "Penalty for Rests" with Power 2 and this text:

     The voting limit of a player on an ordinary decision is decreased
     by one for every two Rests e owns.


ID: 6641
Title: Democratic Disinterest
Author: Murphy
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chmaber: Purple

Create a new rule titled "Democratic Disinterest" with Power 2 and this

     The author of a disinterested proposal CAN, by announcement, make
     the decision on whether to adopt it democratic.  A statement
     within the proposal that its decision should be democratic is
     equivalent to such an announcement.


ID: 6642
Tite: Reduce the Recordkeepors' Burden
Author: coppro
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Enact a new rule at power 2, entitled {Conditional Actions} with the
following text:
     An action that would otherwise be performed by announcement is
     performed conditionally when, in a public message, the performer
     announces that e will perform an action if a certain condition is
     met. The action is said to be performed conditionally on that
     condition; it is a conditional action.

     Actions SHOULD NOT be performed conditionally except to reduce
     ambiguity in the game state (e.g. to repeat an action that may
     or may not have failed).

Amend Rule 2283 (Fees) by appending the following text:
     Players SHALL NOT perform fee-based actions conditionally. Doing
     so is the Class-4 Crime of Increasing Uncertainty.
[It's made a class-4 so that players are encouraged to prefer
performing actions unconditionally but incorrectly over


ID: 6643
Title: I Feel Left Out
Author: coppro
AI: 1.5
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Award coppro the Patent Title Scamster.


ID: 6644
Title: Urgent Proposals
Author: coppro
AI: 2.0
II: 1
Chamber: Red

Amend Rule 1607 (The Promotor) by replacing
     Distributability is switch possessed by proposals in the
     proposal pool, tracked by the Promotor, with values
     Undistributable (default) and Distributable.

     In a given Agoran week, the Promotor CAN and SHALL, as part of
     eir weekly duties, distribute any proposal that is in the
     Proposal Pool and was Distributable at the beginning of that
     Agoran week.  The Promotor CAN but SHALL NOT, in a given Agoran
     week, distribute any proposal that is in the Pool but was
     Undistributable at the beginning of that Agoran week, or was
     entered into the Pool during that Agoran week.

     A player CAN flip a specified Interested proposal to
     Distributable without a number of objections equal to 4 - II
     (where II is the Interest Index of the specified proposal).
     A player CAN flip a specified Disinterested proposal to
     Distributable by announcement.
     The Promotor CAN distribute any proposal in the Proposal Pool.

Enact a new Power-2 Rule entitled {Distributability} with the following text:
     Distributability is switch possessed by proposals in the
     proposal pool, tracked by the Promotor, with values
     Undistributable (default), Distributable, and Urgent.

     In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL, as part of eir weekly
     duties, distribute every proposal that has been in the Proposal
     Pool since the beginning of the week and was not Undistributable
     at that time.

     The Promotor SHALL NOT, in a given Agoran week, distribute any
     proposal that is in the Pool but was Undistributable at the
     beginning of that Agoran week or was entered into the Pool during
     that Agoran week, unless that proposal is Urgent.

     The Promotor SHOULD distribute an Urgent proposal as soon as
     possible after it becomes Urgent.

     A player CAN make a specified interested proposal
     Distributable without a number of objections equal to 4 - II,
     where II is the Interest Index of that proposal.

     A player CAN make a specified disinterested proposal
     Distributable by announcement.

Amend Rule 2284 (Fee-based actions) by replacing
     - A player CAN make a proposal Distributable for a charge of 1
     - A player CAN make a proposal Distributable for a charge of 1

     - A player CAN make a proposal Undistributable or Urgent for a
       charge of 2 ergs.


*Full name is Gravity Circumference Line Deja Vu Cardboard Duck e^(-kt)

-Tiger, Promotor

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