Proposal Pool

Date of this report: Sat 06 Feb 2010
Date of last report: Tue 22 Feb 2010

Distributable Proposals:
Title: I don't want to keep track of old NoVs
Author: Yally
AI: 1.0
II: 0
Chamber: Red

Amend Rule 1367 (Degrees) in the following ways:

Change the text reading:

     - Each player's voting limit on the decision is three, plus five for
       degree e held at that time (the high limit is so as to allow
       a player to cast votes for different titles and ensure that
       an inappropriate title is not awarded).

to read:

    - Each player's voting limit on the decision is one.

Add the following text to the bulleted list:

    - Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the outcome of the
      decision is the highest degree such that more than half of the
      valid votes selected that degree or a lower degree. If no such
      degree exists, the outcome is FAILING GRADE.

Undistributable Proposals:

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