On 02/22/2010 08:20 PM, Aaron Goldfein wrote:

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 9:17 PM, Sean Hunt <ride...@gmail.com
<mailto:ride...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The votes were as follows:

    coppro => coppro
    Tiger => Yally
    Yally => Yally
    Murphy => coppro

    The following were PRESENT: G.*

    As the election is a tie, the electoral committee† hereby chooses
    coppro as the victor; e is hereby installed as Promotor.

    * ais523's conditional vote endorsing "anyone who wants the job" is
    not considered by the electoral committee† a conditional vote as it
    does not reference a specific voter, see CFJ 2764.

    † i.e. me


CoE: G. is not an active player, and therefore is not an eligible voter
for this decision. Thus, the decision is still FAILING QUORUM.

Accepted. I resolve the decision, the votes were as follows:

coppro => coppro
Tiger => Yally
Yally => Yally
Murphy => coppro
c. => coppro

coppro is selected by Agora and hereby installed as Promotor.


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