Clerk's Docket

Date of this report:  Sun  3 Oct 10
Date of last report:  Wed 22 Sep 10
(All times are UTC)

Recent events
Wed 22 Sep 14:16:44  2865 assigned to Taral
Wed 22 Sep 14:21:09  2866 assigned to ais523
Wed 22 Sep 14:21:58  2867 assigned to Wooble
Wed 22 Sep 14:55:17  2867 judged FALSE by Wooble
Thu 23 Sep 15:56:13  Inquiry case initiated by G.
Thu 23 Sep 18:47:56  Above inquiry case retracted by G.
Thu 23 Sep 20:07:53  2868 initiated by omd
Thu 23 Sep 20:51:33  2869 initiated by G.
Fri 24 Sep 03:46:08  1631 appealed by omd (disputed, CFJ 2876)
Fri 24 Sep 11:23:40  2867 appealed by ais523, ehird, Sgeo (possibly
                       ineffective), Murphy
Sun 26 Sep 15:27:28  2866 judged NOT GUILTY by ais523
Sun 26 Sep 17:14:11  2870 initiated by ais523
Sun 26 Sep 18:20:08  2865 II changed from 0 to 1
Sun 26 Sep 18:20:08  2865 judged FALSE by Taral
Sun 26 Sep 22:35:12  2871 initiated by ais523
Mon 27 Sep 16:43:40  G. becomes inactive
Mon 27 Sep 17:12:27  2872 initiated by Taral
Mon 27 Sep 20:26:08  2873 initiated by G.
Thu 30 Sep 11:28:37  2874 initiated by ais523
Sat  2 Oct 14:40:46  Ienpw III registers (disputed, CFJ 2875)
Sat  2 Oct 16:14:36  2875 initiated by Murphy
Sun  3 Oct 17:00:55  2876 (II=2) initiated by Murphy
Sun  3 Oct 17:51:59  2868-69 assigned to Tanner L. Swett
Sun  3 Oct 17:52:58  2870 assigned to Murphy
Sun  3 Oct 17:53:39  2871 assigned to omd

Judicial case ID numbers (Rule 2161)
Highest orderly:  2876
     Disorderly:  (none)

Inquiry           Initiator              Judge     Judgement due
2859              ais523                 G.        Tue 28 Sep 20:30:59
2868              omd                    Tanner    Sun 10 Oct 17:51:59
2869              G.                     Tanner    Sun 10 Oct 17:51:59
2871              ais523                 omd       Sun 10 Oct 17:53:39
2872              Taral                  (pending)
2873              G.                     (pending)
2874              ais523                 (pending)
2875              Murphy                 (pending)
2876    (II=2)    Murphy                 (pending)

Criminal     Plaintiff        Defendant  Judge     Judgement due
2870         ais523           Tanner     Murphy    Sun 10 Oct 17:52:58

Appeal    Initiator(s)         Panel               Judgement due
1631a     omd                  (pending, if appeal was effective)
2857a     G., Wooble, Tiger    Tanner L. Swett,    Fri 24 Sep 04:34:31
                                 ais523, Murphy
2867a     ais523, ehird,       (pending)
            Sgeo(?), Murphy

Posture (Rule 1871) of active players

Standing:  (none)

 Sitting:  ais523     (2866)
           Murphy     (2870)
           omd        (2871)
           Tanner     (2868-69)
           Taral      (2865)
           Wooble     (2867)

 Leaning:  Yally

  Supine:  ehird
           Ienpw III (if registered)

Judicial rank (Rule 2226) of active players

Supreme (3):  ais523
              Tanner L. Swett

Circuit (2):  Murphy

All others are District (1).

Unqualified (Rule 1868)

All of these players are supine, hemming-and-hawing, and District,
except as noted.

       Inactive:  coppro                  (standing, Circuit)
                  G.                      (sitting, Supreme)

Subclass     Rule     Question        Applicable when
Inquiry       591     Veracity        Always
Criminal     1504     Culpability     Always
                      Sentencing      Culpability is GUILTY
Appeal        911     Disposition     Prior question is applicable


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