Herald's Weekly Report

Date of last report: Fri 12 Nov 2010
Date of this report: Tue 23 Nov 2010


[1]  Last crowning due to Mark:      Murphy  Sun 31 Oct 2010 19:22:27
[2]  Last crowning due to Promotion: Keba    Sun 05 Sep 2010 02:44:34
[3]  Last bestowing of favors:       Tiger   Thu 07 Oct 2010 22:26:27
     Last Rebellion began:                   Thu 04 Nov 2010 16:35:32
     Last Rebellion resolved:                Tue 09 Nov 2010 00:39:55    

DISCLAIMER: The below is based on the interpretation that ehird was
not a Rebel; CFJ 2897's judgment is ambiguous and under
reconsideration.  If it is determined that e was a Rebel, ehird was
the 5th Rebel, Wooble was the 6th Rebel, and the Rebellion succeeded,
reordering the List.

 Order Flags Name         Influence  Position         Privilege
    -        Murphy             (5)  Speaker          Bestows Favors

    1 2R M   G.                 10   K.S Supervisor   Supervises
    2 4R     scshunt             7   Justiciar        Bestows Justice
    3 3R M   ais523              5   Grand Vizier     Officiates

    4    M   Yally               5   Head Gardener    Vetos/Rubberstamps
    5 1R M   omd                 0   Crown Prince     Starts Coups
    6        ehird               2
    7   i    Taral               2
    8        Sgeo                2
    9    M   Tanner L. Swett     2
   10   i    Keba                2
   11        Ienpw III           2
   12   i    Tiger               2
   13 5R     Wooble              2
   14        Flameshadowxeroshin 2
  M = Marked
  i = inactive
[N]R = Nth Rebel in the most recent Rebellion

  [1] If noone has been crowned for 14 days, any player can cause
      any marked player to be crowned by announcement.
  [2] If the current Speaker is inactive or vacant, or noone
      has been crowned for 90 days, any player can crown the highest
      active player on the list by announcement.
  [3] If the Speaker has not done so in the current month, or since
      becoming Speaker, e can Bestow Favors by announcement,
      reordering the named positions on the list. There is a 30 day
      waiting period if the Speaker became Speaker due to a Rebellion.

Sun 31 Oct 19:22:27 - G. crowns Murphy (due to mark)
Thu 04 Nov 16:35:32 - omd begins Coup
Thu 04 Nov 16:35:32 - Yally down 1 (omd paid fee)
Thu 11 Nov 16:04:15 - omd down 1 (Yally paid fee; if coup succeeded,
                      Wooble moved down one instead.
-- date of last report --


Player          Rests
------          -----
Keba                8
omd                 2*
scshunt             1*
Tanner L. Swett    14
<all others>        0

* = may be 1 fewer (2 for omd) if ehird was a Rebel in the most recent

Additionally, each of the following persons has 1 Rest and are,
accordingly, fugitives (see the monthly report):
 Elde, Time Agent, Antimatter, Proglet, Macross, root, Vlad, Morendil,
 Beefurabi, elJefe, Ziggy, Evantine, pTang, Blaise, Syllepsis, neil,
 Blob, Magu, Peekee, Cainech, Wes, t, Pakaran, 0x44, Elysion, Quazie

Mon 25 Oct 14:04:08 - Wooble +1 (closed NoV 90)
Mon 08 Nov 08:06:28 - Murphy -1 (paid fee)
Tue 09 Nov 00:39:55 - omd +2 (Rebellion failed; disputed)
Tue 09 Nov 00:39:55 - G. +1 (Rebellion failed; disputed)
Tue 09 Nov 00:39:55 - ais523 +1 (Rebellion failed; disputed)
Tue 09 Nov 00:39:55 - scshunt +1 (Rebellion failed; disputed)
Tue 09 Nov 00:39:55 - Wooble +1 (Rebellion failed; disputed)
Tue 09 Nov 12:11:07 - ais523 -1 (paid fee; possibly ineffective)
Fri 12 Nov 14:10:56 - Keba +2 (Wooble closed NoV 80)
Fri 12 Nov 14:10:56 - omd +4 (Wooble closed NoV 82)
Fri 12 Nov 14:10:56 - scshunt +2 (Wooble closed NoV 91)
--- date of last report ---
Sat 13 Nov 20:46:24 - G. -1 (omd paid fee; possibly ineffective)
Sat 13 Nov 22:59:26 - omd -1 (G. paid fee)
Sun 14 Nov 01:17:51 - Wooble -2 (paid fee; possibly ineffective)
Sun 14 Nov 22:12:36 - scshunt -1 (omd paid fee)
Mon 15 Nov 03:18:54 - omd -2 (scshunt paid fee)
Mon 15 Nov 03:36:45 - scshunt -1 (omd paid fee)
Sat 20 Nov 21:35:56 - omd -1 (paid fee)


ID  Date         Accusor  Accused  Rule[/Crime](Power/Class)
90+ Mon 25 Oct   G.       Wooble   R2313/Lack of Urgency(1)
91+ Mon 25 Oct   Wooble   coppro   R2158(2)
92* Mon 01 Nov   omd      G.       R2224(1)
---date of last report---
93* Mon 15 Nov   Yally    Wooble   R2139(2)
94  Mon 22 Nov   scshunt  Wooble   R2143/Tardiness(2)

* = contested   + = closed

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