I assume Promotor, perform the following distribution, then resign

This distribution of proposals 6908-6913 initiates the Agoran
Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters are the
active players at the time of this distribution, and the vote
collector is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR
and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote). Each proposal is hereby
assigned the corresponding ID number listed with it.

 6908 O 1 2.0 G                   Pay To Sit
 6909 O 1 3.0 scshunt             Carrot Juice
 6910 O 1 3.0 omd                 Forgery is Forgery
 6911 O 1 1.0 Murphy              Fear cleanup
 6912 O 0 1.0 Murphy              Restore the terrible choice
 6913 O 1 1.0 omd                 Dictatorship

chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
interest: 0-3 = interest index

Proposal ID numbers:
    highest orderly: 6913
    disorderly: none


Proposal 6908 (Ordinary, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by G.

Pay To Sit

Amend Rule 1868 (Judge Assignment Generally) by replacing:

      A player CAN favor or disfavor a judicial case by announcement.


      A player CAN favor a judicial case for a fee of 2 ergs, or
      disfavor a judicial case by announcement.


Proposal 6909 (Ordinary, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by scshunt

Carrot Juice

Amend Rule 478 (Fora) by replacing
       A public message is a message sent via a public forum, or sent
       to all players and containing a clear designation of intent to
       be public.
       A public message is the body of a message that is either sent via
       a public forum or sent to all players and containing a clear
       designation of intent to be public.
[N.B. This is not the entire paragraph]


Proposal 6910 (Ordinary, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by omd

Forgery is Forgery

Amend Rule 2201 by appending this paragraph:

      Knowingly posting an incorrect document with the intent to cause
      it to self-ratify is the Class-8 Crime of Implicitly Endorsing


Proposal 6911 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by Murphy

Fear cleanup

Amend Rule 2309 (The Propose-O-matic) to read:

      The Fearmongor is an Office. Its holder is responsible for
      encouraging frequent rule changes.

      Each week, the Fearmongor SHALL do the following:

         1) Select a rule at random, and submit a proposal whose effect
            is limited to repealing that rule (and, if necessary,
            making a minimal set of other rule changes so that the game
            would not be broken by the repeal).  This proposal must be
            disinterested, with AI equal to the rule's power, and must
            note the rule's title.

         2) Select a rule (other than the one selected above) at
            random, and submit a proposal whose effect is limited to
            amending that rule in some fashion.  This proposal must be
            disinterested, with AI equal to the rule's power, and must
            note the rule's title.

          3) Submit a proposal whose effect is limited to enacting a
             rule identical to a rule that was once part of the ruleset
             and has not been used to fulfill this part of the duty
             within the past six months.  This proposal must be
             disinterested, with AI equal to 1.

          4) Make each of those proposals Distributable, clearly
            specifying that e is doing so to fulfill eir duties.

      Players SHALL NOT make proposals submitted in accordance with
      this rule Undistributable.


Proposal 6912 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=0) by Murphy

Restore the terrible choice

If Murphy's proposal "Fear cleanup" has been adopted, then amend
Rule 2309 (The Propose-O-matic) by replacing sections 1 and 2 with
this text:

         1) Randomly select two rules.

         2) Submit a proposal whose effect is limited to repealing one
            of the selected rules (and, if necessary, making a minimal
            set of other rule changes so that the game would not be
            broken by the repeal), and another proposal whose effect is
            limited to amending the other selected rule.  Each of these
            proposals must be disinterested, with AI equal to the rule's
            power, and must note the rule's title.


Proposal 6913 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by omd


Create a new Rule with the following text:

      omd CAN cause this rule to make arbitrary gamestate changes by

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