Promotor's Pool Report

Date of last report: Tue 11 Jan 2011
Date of this report: Tue 8 Mat 2011
Last ratified: 3 Feb 2010
Date of ratified report: 27 Jan 2010

Proposals currently in the pool:


title: Tighten security I
ai: 3.0
proposer: omd
submit_date: 2010-12-22
submit_mid: <>
distributability: undistributable

Amend Rule 106 (Adopting Proposals) by adding the following sentence
after "and then it takes effect.":

      It may make rule changes.

Amend Rule 2221 (Cleanliness) by adding the following paragraph at the end:

      This rule may make rule changes.

Amend Rule 1551 (Ratification) by adding the following paragraph
before the last one:

      This rule may make rule changes.

Amend Rule 105 (Rule Changes) by replacing the first paragraph with:

      When explicitly permitted to make rule changes (as opposed to
      changes in general) by the rules, an instrument generally can,
      as part of its effect,

Amend Rule 2140 (Power Controls Mutability) by adding the following item:

      (d) cause a rule change.


title: Tighten Security II
ai: 3.0
proposer: omd
submit_date: 2010-12-22
submit_mid: <>
distributability: undistributable

Amend Rule 2141 (Role and Attributes of Rules) by appending the
following paragraph after the first one:

      Mode is a rule switch with values Normal (default) and
      Define-Only, tracked by the Rulekeepor.  Notwithstanding the
      above and the content of such rules, the scope of Define-Only
      rules is limited to providing definitions intended for use by
      other rules.  If a Define-Only rule would have any other effect,
      that effect is nullified; however, if possible, it should be
      interpreted so that it does not have any other effect (e.g. by
      interpreting other effects as part of the definition, not
      enforced by the rule itself).

[The last part is important: it prevents things like "thereby allows
em" in Rule 1728 from being interpreted as "thereby *does
successfully* allow em, with Power-3 force".  I've always been unsure
about that wording.  Similarly, it should ensure that "it comes to
have its default value" from the Switches rule is part of the
definition of a switch, rather than something enforced at Power-2.]

Amend Rule 105 (Rule Changes) by appending the following item to the
list of kinds of rule change:

      (f) change the Mode of a rule.

Change the Mode of each of the following Rules to Define-Only:

Rule 217 (Interpreting the Rules)
Rule 2150 (Personhood)
Rule 2319 (Messy Statements)
Rule 754 (Definition Definitions)
Rule 2152 (Mother, May I?)
Rule 1728 (Dependent Actions)
Rule 2280 (Implicit Votes)
Rule 2268 (Entanglement)
Rule 1023 (Common Definitions)
Rule 2146 (Indices)
Rule 2162 (Switches)
Rule 2124 (Agoran Satisfaction)
Rule 2166 (Assets)

Amend Rule 1688 by removing the last paragraph, and create a new
Power-3, Define-Only rule titled "Security" with the just-removed
paragraph as its text.


title: A person by any other name is still a person
ai: 1.0
proposer: Roujo
submit_date: 2011-01-08
submit_mid: <>
distributability: undistributable

In Rule 1922, replace the text
"The Herald's monthly report includes how the player won. A message
awarding Champion to a player constitutes a self-ratifying claim that
the player in question won the game through that method."
with the text
"The Herald's monthly report includes how the person won. A message
awarding Champion to a person constitutes a self-ratifying claim that
the person in question won the game through that method."

and the text
"any player who deregistered in a Writ of FAGE"
with the text
"any person who deregistered in a Writ of FAGE"

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