I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it.  For this decision, the eligible
voters are the active first-class players at the time of this
distribution, the vote collector is the Assessor, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote).  Then,
I assign each listed proposal the ID number specified under "NUM".

Pool report: The Proposal Pool is empty.


7084 2   omd              I see nothing wrong with letting one
......                    imaginary person act on behalf of another
......                    imaginary person
7085 1   Tanner L. Swett  Horizontal rules
7086 3   G., etc.         Jig-jiggery jig-jiggery
7087 1   omd              CV
7088 3   omd              Refactor 2, 3, 283
7089 2   omd              Waiting a week makes the game too slow
7090 2   omd              General costs
7091 2   omd              Point Vouchers
7092 1.7 Walker           Speed Up Victory
7093 1   Walker           Enforcement Enforcement


Proposal 7084 (AI=2) by omd
I see nothing wrong with letting one imaginary person act on behalf of
another imaginary person

Amend Rule 103 (The Speaker) by replacing "single first-class player"
with "single player".


Proposal 7085 (AI=1) by Tanner L. Swett
Horizontal rules

"A rule is called horizontal if its text consists entirely of

Enact a new rule, titled "Standard Short Horizontal Rule", with the
following text:


Proposal 7086 (AI=3) by G., omd, please:

Jig-jiggery jig-jiggery

[Puts "Effects are effective" back into "re-jiggery" and unites it
  all together; effects with effects, causes with causes].

If proposal 7083 has not been adopted, the rest of this proposal has
no effect.

Amend R106 to read:
    If the option selected by Agora on a decision about whether to
    adopt a proposal is ADOPTED, then the proposal in question is
    adopted, and unless other rules prevent it from taking effect,
    its power is set to the minimum of four and its adoption index,
    and then it takes effect.  Except as prohibited by other rules,
    a proposal that takes effect CAN and does, as part of its effect,
    apply the changes that it specifies.  If the proposal cannot make
    some such changes, this does not preclude the other changes from
    taking place.

    If there is no Agoran Decision to adopt a particular proposal that
    has an outcome of ADOPTED, that proposal CANNOT take effect, rules
    to the contrary notwithstanding.

    Preventing a proposal from taking effect is a secured change;
    this does not apply to generally preventing changes to specified
    areas of the gamestate, nor to a proposal preventing itself from
    taking effect (its no-effect clause is generally interpreted as
    applying only to the rest of the proposal).

Amend the Rule entitled "Proposals" by amending its first paragraph
to read:

    A proposal is a fixed body of text which has been made into a
    proposal using a process specifically described in the Rules.


Proposal 7087 (AI=1) by omd

Amend Rule 2333 (Contests) by replacing:

     The contest's instructions should include conditions under which
     one or more persons win the contest. When one or more persons
     win a contest, those persons satisfy the Victory Condition of


     The contest's instructions should include conditions under which
     persons "win the contest".  Upon an announcement by the
     contestmaster that one or more persons satisfy those conditions,
     all those persons satisfy the Victory Condition of Victory.
     Intentionally making a false such announcement is the Class-4
     Crime of Gaming the System.

[This just restores the old language about the contestmaster making an
announcement, which I think fits much better with the spirit of the
rule than scshunt's platonic version.]


Proposal 7088 (AI=3) by omd
Refactor 2, 3, 283

Retitle Rule 1698 (Agora Is a Nomic) to "Agora Is A Nomic", and amend
it to read:

     Agora is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
     combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule
     changes to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted
     within a four-week period.

     If, but for this rule, the net effect of a proposal would cause
     Agora to become ossified, it cannot take effect, rules to the
     contrary notwithstanding.  If any other single change to the
     gamestate would cause Agora to become ossified, it is cancelled
     and does not occur, rules to the contrary notwithstanding.

[Substantive changes: clarifies what "something other than a Nomic"
(from the newly added paragraph) is, and adds "reasonable" as an
anti-Vladivostok measure.]


Proposal 7089 (AI=2) by omd
Waiting a week makes the game too slow

[Allows me to distribute proposals submitted this week if there is
volume left over.

(Did I somehow already submit this proposal?)]

Amend Rule 1607 (The Promotor) by replacing:

     The Promotor SHALL NOT distribute any other proposals.


     In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL NOT distribute a
     number of proposals greater than the Legislative Volume.


Proposal 7090 (AI=2) by omd
General costs

[Useful for promises.]

Retitle Rule 2349 (Spending Points) to Costs, and amend it to read:

     The documents defining the conditions for performing an action
     can define a cost in assets, optionally specifying a recipient
     entity; paying the cost becomes such a condition.  A person has
     paid the cost for an attempt to perform the action if e
     transferred those assets to the recipient entity, if one was
     specified, or destroyed them otherwise:

      (1) in the same message as the attempt,
      (2) clearly indicating that the transfer or destruction was a
          payment for that attempt, and
      (3) not indicating that it was a payment for any other attempt.

Amend Rule 1607 (The Promotor) by replacing "as a Spending Action"
with "for a cost of 5 points".

[And a bugfix - I think, if you felt like performing 50 Priority
increases, you could do it and win with the same points.]

Amend Rule 2322 (Winning by Points) by replacing:

     A player CAN destroy 250 points in the possession of any
     indicated player to cause the indicated player to satisfy the
     Victory Condition of Accumulation.


     A player CAN destroy 250 points in the possession of any
     indicated player (without indicating that the destruction is a
     payment) to cause the indicated player to satisfy the Victory
     Condition of Accumulation.


Proposal 7091 (AI=2) by omd
Point Vouchers

Create a new Power-2 Rule:

     Point Vouchers are a class of assets tracked by the Scorekeepor;
     multiple Point Vouchers with the same creation date are
     fungible.  A player CAN, as a Spending Action with a cost of one
     point, create a Point Voucher in eir possession.  At the start
     of the second Agoran week after a Point Voucher is created, its
     current owner gains one point and the Voucher is destroyed.

If Rule 2349 does not define Spending Actions, amend that rule by
replacing "as a Spending Action with" with "for"

[Suppose I create a lottery where everyone transfers me points, and I
award the lot to a random participant; but in the process I get over
250 points and someone makes me win.  This mechanism works around that
without making it too easy to hoard points.]


Proposal 7092 (AI=1.7) by Walker
Speed Up Victory

[ This does not clash with my other victory proposal. ]

Retitle Rule 2343 (Victory Cases) to "Victory".

Replace the first paragraph of Rule 2343 with:

     A person can publish a Declaration of Victory by announcement,
     explaining the Victory Condition they believe they have met and
     how they met it. If a Victory Case is initiated regarding a
     Declaration of Victory, no Declarations of Victory for that win
     can be announced after that point. Otherwise, the person is
     deemed to have won the game of Agora as described in the
     Declaration of Victory one week after eir Declaration of Victory
     is published. The Declaration of Victory's claim that the
     specified player won in the specified way becomes self-ratifying
     at this point. The Herald SHALL award the winner the Patent
     Title Champion as soon as possible afterwards.

     Victory cases are a subclass of judicial cases. For one week
     after the publication of a Declaration of Victory, any player
     CAN initiate a Victory case by announcement, indicating the
     Declaration of Victory e believes to be false and eir arguments
     and evidence supporting this.

and in the same Rule replace "appropriate if the Victory Condition was
satisfied as described" with "appropriate if the Victory Condition was
satisfied as described in the Declaration of Victory" and replace "in
effect for two weeks" with "in effect for one week".


Proposal 7093 (AI=1) by Walker
Enforcement Enforcement

Amend Rule 2143 (Official Reports and Duties) by appending:

     If a player violates a Rule by failing to meet the requirements
     of an office, such as performing eir weekly or monthly duties,
     then the IADoP SHALL initiate a valid criminal case on the
     matter as soon as possible afterwards. Cases initiated in this
     manner do not count towards the IADoP's excess case limit, Rules
     to the contrary notwithstanding.

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