Recent events (UTC)
TIME              EVENT
Sun 26 Feb 18:46  Office of General Secretary created.
Mon 26 Feb 00:00  Weekly Ruble changes.
Mon 05 Mar 00:00  Weekly Ruble changes.
Mon 05 Mar 00:02  50 Golems each transfer all their Rubles (2 each) to
Sun 11 Mar 21:38  FKA441344 spends a Ruble to double eir voting limit
on proposal 7190.
Mon 12 Mar 00:00  Weekly Ruble changes.
Mon 19 Mar 00:00  Weekly Ruble changes.

PERSON                RUBLES OWNED
Agora                 4
Arkady                4
ais523                4
Benu                  4
davidcjackman         4
ehird                 1
FKA441344            29
Flameshadowxeroshin   1
FlorW                 2
G.                    4
Machiavelli           1
Murphy                4
Number Two            4
omd                   4
Pavitra               4
pikhq                 4
Roujo                 4
scshunt               4
Sgeo                  4
Sonny Jim             4
The President         4
The Prisoner          4
Walker                4
woggle                4
Wooble                4
Yally                 4
Mr. Incredible*       4
Murphy                4

* May have deregistered on Fri 17 Feb, in which case he has no
Rubles.(see case 3183)

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