Recent events (UTC)
TIME              EVENT
Sat 31 Mar 02:00  scshunt creates Ur.
Sat 31 Mar 02:00  scshunt transfers Ur to Ur.
Sat 31 Mar 02:03  scshunt creates Ball.
Sat 31 Mar 02:03  scshunt transfers Ball to Bucky.
Sat 31 Mar 02:09  Ball changes eir name to BuckyBot.
Sat 31 Mar 02:09  BuckyBot creates The Diplomat.
Sat 31 Mar 02:09  BuckyBot transfers The Diplomat to Blognomic.
Sat 31 Mar 21:18  BuckyBot creates Ghost.
Sat 31 Mar 02:09  BuckyBot transfers Ghost to Bucky.
Sat 31 Mar 21:18  Ghost deregisters.
Fri 04 May 21:02  G. creates the Cayman Islands.
Fri 04 May 21:09  The Prisoner deregisters.
Tue 05 Jun 11:16  Number Two is destroyed.
Tue 05 Jun 11:16  The Diplomat is destroyed.
Sat 09 Jun 00:03  BuckyBot creates Scapegoat.
Sat 09 Jun 00:03  BuckyBot transfers Scapegoat to Pavitra.
Sat 09 Jun 02:16  Pavitra transfers Scapegoat to the number 441344.
Sat 09 Jun 02:52  omd creates
                  {I create a Slave Golem whose name is the full body of
                   this message. (Preemptive arguments: It's not confusing,
                   merely long.) On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Pavitra
                   <> wrote: > On 06/08/2012
                   07:03 PM, John Smith wrote: >> For good measure, I
                   transfer Scapegoat to Pavitra. > > I transfer Scapegoat
                   to the number four hundred forty-one thousand three
                   > hundred forty-four.}.

NAME                            OWNER               CREATED
BuckyBot                        Bucky               Sat 31 Mar 02:03
Eileen                          Pavitra             Tue 05 Jun 08:17
I create a Slave Golem whose    omd                 Sat 09 Jun 02:52
name is the full body of this
message. (Preemptive
arguments: It's not confusing,
merely long.) On Fri, Jun 8,
2012 at 7:16 PM, Pavitra
wrote: > On 06/08/2012 07:03
PM, John Smith wrote: >> For
good measure, I transfer
Scapegoat to Pavitra. > >
I transfer Scapegoat to the
number four hundred
forty-one thousand three
> hundred forty-four.
Scapegoat                       the number 441,344  Sat 09 Jun 00:03
the Cayman Islands              G.                  Fri 04 May 21:09
Ur                              Ur                  Sat 31 Mar 02:00

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