Date of this report:  Fri 13 Jul 12
Date of last report:  Sun 08 Jul 12

Recent events (UTC)
TIME              EVENT
Mon 30 Apr 19:37  FKA441344 initiates an election for Assessor.
Fri 04 May 19:37  Nominations close for Assessor.
Fri 04 May 20:06  Office of Ambassador abolished.
Fri 04 May 20:06  Speaker becomes vacant.
Fri 04 May 21:22  Voting period begins for Assessor.
Fri 04 May 21:22  FKA441344 initiates elections for General Secretary,
                  Golemkeepor, and Registrar.
Tue 08 May 21:22  Nominations close for General Secretary,
                  Golemkeepor, and Registrar.
Fri 11 May 21:22  Voting period ends for Assessor.
Sun 13 May 04:44  omd becomes Speaker.
Sun 13 May 05:04  scshunt becomes Speaker.
Sun 13 May 17:39  Elections for Assessor, General Secretary,
                  Golemkeepor, and Registrar end. These offices
                  become Postulated.
Mon 14 May 00:00  Speaker becomes vacant.
Fri 29 Jun 03:24  Ozymandias becomes Speaker.
Fri 29 Jun 22:36  omd resigns Promotor.
Fri 29 Jun 22:36  scshunt assumes Promotor.
Fri 29 Jun 22:36  scshunt initiates an election for Promotor.
Mon 02 Jul 00:00  Speaker becomes vacant.
Tue 03 Jun 22:36  Nominations close for Promotor.
Fri 06 Jul 22:36  Office of Ambassador-At-Large created.
Sun 08 Jul 23:06  ais523 assumes Ambassador-At-Large.
Sun 08 Jul 23:06  ais523 initiates an election for Ambassador-At-Large.
Sun 08 Jul 23:17  Voting period begins for Promotor.
Thu 12 Jul 23:46  Election for Ambassador-At-Large ends.
                  Ambassador-At-Large becomes Postulated.
Fri 13 Jul 00:09  FKA441344 assumes and resigns Promotor.

          Initiated:  Fri 29 Jun 22:36
           Nominees:  FKA441344, scshunt
 End of nominations:  Tue 03 Jul 22:36
         Candidates:  FKA441344, scshunt
    Start of voting:  Sun 08 Jul 23:17
      End of voting:  Sun 15 Jul 23:17


Office         Holder                   Since      Election*1  Assumption
Ambassador*2   ais523                   08 Jul 12  08 Jul 12   Postulated
Assessor       Murphy                   05 Mar 11  30 Apr 12   Postulated
CotC           Murphy                   23 Jan 08  07 Jan 11   Postulated ~
General Sec.*3 FKA441344                05 Mon 10  08 May 12   Postulated
Golemkeepor    FKA441344                18 Feb 12  08 May 12   Postulated
Herald         G.                       23 Oct 11  24 Jan 12   Postulated ~
Horton         FKA441344                28 Jan 12  22 Jan 12   Postulated ~
IADoP          FKA441344                28 Jan 12  24 Jan 12   Postulated ~
Promotor       <vacant>                 13 Jul 12  29 Jun 12   Assumed
Registrar      FKA441344                11 Mar 12  08 May 12   Postulated
Rulekeepor     omd                      06 Nov 11  16 Oct 11   Postulated ~
Speaker        <vacant>                 02 Jul 12  <imposed>  <imposed>

~  - any player can initiate election by announcement (Rule 2154)
*1 - date on which most recent nomination period began
*2 - Ambassador-At-Large
*3 - General Secretary



Office       Duty                                     Rule
Ambassador*1 Inform foreign nomics of the falsehood   *2
              of false claims made to them to be an
              ambassador of Agora
Assessor     Proposal voting results                  1950
CotC         Assign judges                            1868
CotC         Rotate bench                             1871
CotC         Recuse tardy judges                      2158
Herald       Award/Revoke Patent Titles                649
              Award Champion to winners               2343
              Revoke Champion for Poor Sportsmanship  2343
              Award Degrees                           1367
Herald       Announce awarded/revoked Patent Titles    649
Herald       Degrees                                  1367
IADoP        Elections                                2154
Registrar    Writs of FAGE                            1789
Rulekeepor   Titles for untitled rules                2141

*1 - Ambassador-At-Large
*2 - Rule number not yet publicly assigned


Office         Duty                   Most recent Next deadline*1 Rule
Ambassador*2   Recognition of         <never>     Sun 08 Jul~     *3
                foreign nomics
Assessor       Speed                  Sun 10 Jun  Sun 17 Jun~     2347
CotC           Posture                Fri 06 Jul  Sun 15 Jul      1871
CotC           Status of open cases   Fri 06 Jul  Sun 15 Jul       991
General Sec.*3 Ruble records          Thu 12 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      2362
Golemkeepor    Golem records          Thu 12 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      2360
IADoP          Offices                <now>       Sun 22 Jul      2138
                Assumption                                        2276
Horton         Promises               Thu 12 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      2337
Promotor       Proposal pool          Fri 13 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      1607
Promotor       Proposal distribution  Fri 13 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      1607
Registrar      Players                Thu 12 Jul  Sun 22 Jul      2139
                Citizenship                                        869
                Writs of FAGE                                     1789
                Activity                                          2130
                Stasis                                            1504
Registrar      Fora                   Thu 12 Jul  Sun 22 Jul       478
Rulekeepor     Short Logical Ruleset  Sun 01 Jul  Sun 08 Jul~     1051

*1 - Deadline expires at end of listed day
*2 - Ambassador-At-Large
*3 - Rule number not yet publicly assigned
*4 - General Secretary
~  - Overdue


Office       Duty                     Most recent  Next deadline*  Rule
Herald       Patent Titles            Tue 19 Jun   Tue 31 Jul       649
Rulekeepor   Full Logical Ruleset     Thu 05 Jul   Fri 31 Aug      1051
              Notable cases                                        2340
              Historical annotations                               1681
* - Deadline expires at end of listed day
~ - overdue

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