I hereby deputise for the Assessor to resolve the Agoran Decisions on
whether to adopt the following proposals.  For each decision, the options
available to Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).

x7284  3.0  FKA441344    No Zero Length Reports
x7285  2.0  omd          No News Is No News
*7286  1.0  FKA441344    No News Is Some News
*7287  2.0  G.           Faucet Fixing
*7289  3.0  G.           Indeterminism
*7290  3.0  G.           Breaking Promise Circles
x7291  1.0  FKA441344
x7292  1.0  Machiavelli
*7293  1.7  Murphy       Splitting hairs
x7294  1.7  Murphy       Splitting hairs the other way
*7295  1.0  scshunt      Fuel Up
*7296  3.0  scshunt      Power On
*7297  3.0  scshunt      Slow Down
*7298  2.0  FKA441344
x7299  1.5  FKA441344

              7284  7285  7286  7287  7289  7290  7291  7292  7293  7294

ais523         2A    2A    2F    2F    2F    2F    2A    2A    2P    2P
FKA441344      2F    2A    2F    2F    2F    2P    2F    2F    2F    2F
G.             2A    2A    2F    2F    2F    2F    2A    2A    2F    2A
Machiavelli    2A    2A    2F    2F    2F    2F    2A    2A    2F    2F
Murphy         2A    2A    2F    2P    2P    2F    2A    2A    2A    2F
omd            2A    2F    2A    2A    2A    2A    2A    2A    2A    2A
Pavitra        2A    2A    2F    2P    2F    2F    2A    2A    2F    2A
scshunt        2A    2F     A    2F    2P    2P    4A    4A    2F    2F

AI             3     2     1     2     3     3     1     1     1.7   1.7
VI             0.1+  0.5   4     5     5     5     0.1+  0.1+  2.5   1.3+
F/A            2/14  4/12  12/3  10/2  10/2  10/2  2/16  2/16  10/4  8/6

Quorum         6     6     6     6     6     6     6     6     6     6
Voters         8     8     8     8     8     8     8     8     8     8

              7295  7296  7297  7298  7299

ais523         2A    2F    2F
FKA441344      2F    2F    2P    2F    2F
G.             2P    2F    2F    2F    2A
Machiavelli    2F    2F    2F    2F    2A
Murphy         2F    2P    2F    2P    2P
omd            2A    2F    2F    2F    2F
Pavitra        2F    2P    2F    2F    2F
scshunt        2F    2F    2F    2F    2A

AI             1     3     3     2     1.5
VI             2.5   *U*   *U*   *U*   1
F/A            10/4  12/0  14/0  12/0  6/6

Quorum         6     6     6     6     6
Voters         8     8     8     7     7

Text of adopted proposals:

ID: 7286
Title: No News Is Some News
Author: FKA441344
Coauthors: Murphy
AI: 1.0
Chamber: Ordinary
 Create a new rule with title "No News Is Some News" and this text:
       If the rules define a report as including a list, then while that
       list is empty, that report includes the fact that it is empty.


ID: 7287
Title: Faucet Fixing
Author: G.
AI: 2.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Increase the power of the Rule "The Justiciar" to 2.
[Need to do this to overrule Offices]

Amend the Rule entitled "The Justiciar" to read:

      The Justiciar is an office; its holder is responsible for hot and
      cold running justice.

      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Clerk of the Courts
      CANNOT assume or be nominated for the office of Justiciar, and
      the Justiciar CANNOT assume or be nominated for the office of
      Clerk of the Courts.

      A CFJ may be submitted to the Justiciar.  For such a CFJ, the
      Justiciar shall perform all duties and fulfill all roles that
      would otherwise be assigned to the Clerk of the Courts. This
      takes precedence over Rules that would otherwise assign duties
      and roles regarding a CFJ to the Clerk of the Courts.

      All persons are encouraged to submit a CFJ to the Justiciar only
      when there is a good reason not to submit it to the Clerk of the

      If the Justiciar's Posture is neither Standing nor Sitting, then
      it is flipped to Sitting.

Amend Rule 1871 (The Standing Court) by replacing:
      * Supine (default if the default would otherwise be undefined).
      * Supine (default if the current value of Initial Posture is
        undefined; otherwise the current value of Initial Posture is the

and by appending this paragraph:

       Initial Posture is an Agora Nomic switch, tracked by the Justiciar
       in eir monthly report, with the same values as Posture and a
       default value of Supine.  The Justiciar CAN flip Initial Posture
       with Support.


ID: 7289
Title: Indeterminism
Author: G.
AI: 3.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Amend Rule 1023 (Common Definitions) by appending:

       (c) If a regulated value, or the value of a conditional, or
           a value otherwise required to determine the outcome of
           a regulated action, CANNOT be reasonably determined
           (without circularity or paradox) from information
           reasonably available, or if it alternates instantaneously
           and indefinitely between values, then the value is
           considered to be Indeterminate, otherwise it is

[Note that many things can be naturally indeterminate to start out;
e.g. if a conditional vote depends on events that may happen later
in the voting period.  So the fixes below and future additions need
to specify the time at which the indeterminism is measured for legal
effect; e.g. at the end of the voting period, or when a promise is

Amend Rule 2127 (Conditional Votes) by replacing:
                                     and is clearly specified if and
       only if the value of the condition(s) can be reasonably
       determined (without circularity or paradox) from information
       reasonably available during the voting period.
                                     and is clearly specified if and
       only if the value of the condition(s) is/are determinate at
       the end of the voting period.

Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by appending:

       If an action or set of actions would cause the value of an
       instance of a switch to become indeterminate, the instance
       instead takes on its last determinate and possible value,
       if any, otherwise it takes on its default value.

Amend Rule 2338 (Cashing Promises) by replacing:
       for the promise to be cashed are true
       for the promise to be cashed are true and determinate

and by replacing:
       and all such conditions are true
       and all such conditions are true and determinate


ID: 7290
Title: Breaking Promise Circles
Author: G.
AI: 3.0
Chamber: Ordinary
If Rule 1023 (Common Definitions) contains the word 'Indeterminate'

  Amend Rule 2338 (Cashing Promises) by inserting the following
  paragraph after the second paragraph:

      If cashing a promise would lead, through its own actions
      or actions directly caused by its cashing, to a value being
      indeterminate an instant after the promise is cashed, then
      (other provisions of this or other rules notwithstanding)
      it CANNOT be cashed.

If Rule 1023 (Common Definitions) does NOT contain the word
'Indeterminate' then:

  Amend Rule 2338 (Cashing Promises) by inserting the following
  paragraph after the second paragraph:

      If cashing a promise would lead, through its own actions
      or actions directly caused by its cashing, to a value being
      undefined or unable to be determined (without circularity
      or paradox) with reasonable effort an instant after the
      promise is cashed, then (other provisions of this or other
      rules notwithstanding) it CANNOT be cashed.


ID: 7293
Title: Splitting hairs
Author: Murphy
Coauthors: G.
AI: 1.7
Chamber: Ordinary
Amend Rule 591 (Inquiry Cases) by replacing this text:

      The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based
      on the truth or falsity of the statement at the time the inquiry
      case was initiated:

with this text:

      The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based
      on the truth or falsity of the statement at the time the inquiry
      case was initiated (if its truth value changed at that time, then
      its initial truth value is used):


ID: 7295
Title: Fuel Up
Author: scshunt
AI: 1.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Simultaneously award N props to each player, where N is, for that
player, max(14 - P, 0), where P is the number of props e owns.


ID: 7296
Title: Power On
Author: scshunt
AI: 3.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Amend the rule Democratization by appending
      Changing the voting limit of an entity on a Democratic decision is
      secured with power threshold 3.

Amend rule 1950 by replacing
      The eligible voters on a decision with an adoption index are
      those entities that were active first-class players at the start
      of its voting period.  Setting or changing an entity's voting
      limit on such a decision is secured with a power threshold of 2
      if the decision is Ordinary, or 3 otherwise.
      The eligible voters on a decision with an adoption index are
      those entities that were active first-class players at the start
      of its voting period.  Setting or changing an entity's voting
      limit on such a decision is secured with a power threshold of 2.


ID: 7297
Title: Slow Down
Author: scshunt
AI: 3.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Amend the rule 'Props' by replacing
{At the beginning of each week}
{At the beginning of each month}
[Resetting every week when a player can make one transfer every week
will leave everyone at 14 props perpetually unless there is a serious
concerted effort]


ID: 7298
Title: (none)
Author: FKA441344
AI: 2.0
Chamber: Ordinary

 Amend Rule 2166 (Assets) by replacing
      any player CAN transfer or destroy it without objection.
      any player CAN transfer or destroy it with 1.5 Agoran consent
      or without 2 objections.


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