I assume the office of Golemkeepor.

Golemkeepor's Weekly Report
Date of this report: 20 Jan 2013
Date of last report: 24 Sep 2012

Recent events
2013-01-16    Italy creates and destroys Ted
2013-01-16    Pavitra purportedly creates and destroys many Golems
2012-11-05    Antony creates and destroys Mr. A through E
2012-09-28    G. creates "a person announcing support or intent to do so".

NAME                            OWNER               CREATED
ais523's imaginary friend       ais523's imaginary  2012-06-29
a person announcing support or  G.                  2012-09-28
  intent to do so
BuckyBot                        Bucky               2012-03-31
Eileen                          Pavitra             2012-06-05
Our Lady of Perpetual           Our Lady of         2012-06-30
Responsibility                  Perpetual
the Cayman Islands              G.                  2012-05-04
Ur                              Ur                  2012-03-31

[All Golems are Slave Golems.]

- woggle

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