Voting results for Proposals 7338 - 7339 and 7349 - 7350:

[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).]

x7338  3.0  ais523      cleanup
x7339  3.0  Machiavel   Lesser cleanup
*7349  1.0  G.          Tape Cutting Award
*7350  1.5  G.          Justice Fix

            7338  7339  7349  7350

ais523       2P    2P    2P    2P
G.           2A    2A    2F    2P
Machiavel    2A    2F    2P    2F
omd          2A    2A    2F    2A
Roujo        2F    2F    2P    2F
Wes          2A    2A    2A    2P
woggle       2A    2A    2P    2F
Wooble       2A    2A    2F    2P

AI            3     3     1     1.5
VI            0.1+  0.4   3     3
F/A          2/12  4/10  6/2   6/2

Quorum        5     5     5     5
Voters        8     8     8     8

Text of adopted proposals:


ID: 7349
AI: 1.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Author: G.
Title: Tape Cutting Award

Amend 2387 (Ribbons) by replacing:

      (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted and changes at least
           one rule with Power >= 3, its proposer earns a Red Ribbon.


      (+R) When an interested proposal is adopted and results in a net
           decrease in both the number of rules in the Ruleset and the
           length (in characters) of the Ruleset, its proposer earns a
           Red Ribbon.

[The 'unanimous adoption' is more interesting than an power-3 ribbon
IMO, so chose this one to replace]


ID: 7350
AI: 1.5
Chamber: Ordinary
Author: G. (co-author Machiavelli)
Title: Justice Fix

If the Rules do not explicitly define Justiciar as an office, amend
Rule 1871 (The Standing Court) by replacing all instances of
"Justiciar" with "Ambassador-At-Large".


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